What’s one surefire way to make sure you’re not annoying your neighbors with a constant stream of Airbnb guests? Live in an Airbnb-branded building, where all your neighbors are also renting out their apartments. [More]
apartment buildings

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds
Here are six of the best photos that readers added to the Consumerist Flickr Pool in the last week, picked for usability in a Consumerist post or for just plain neatness. [More]

Ordering Takeout Doesn’t Mean The Driver Gets To Take Your Packages
Getting packages stolen from your front doorstep is unpleasant, no matter who you are or what time of year it is, and knowing that you or a neighbor actually let the thief inside must be even worse. We buzz delivery people who are strangers in and give them get a kind of implicit trust, and one delivery driver in Chicago is accused of violating that trust by grabbing packages on his way out the door. [More]

City Seizes Decaying Bank-Owned House, Gets It Fixed Up
The city of Haverhill, Massachusetts has had it with abandoned, vacant buildings, especially those that are now bank-owned due to foreclosure. One three-unit apartment building had vagrants occupying the space, using the floors as a bathroom and turning the building into a biohazard. Having such a “disgusting” building on a main road made no one in the city happy, and the city found a private company to act as a receiver and renovate the building. [More]

UPS Knows Where Misrouted Package Is, Shrugs
Claire, the manager of an apartment building, went above and beyond the scope of her job duties to attempt to re-route a package destined for a former tenant. UPS didn’t really do anything wrong in this case: the wrong address was the shipper’s fault, or maybe the former tenant’s. But since too many days have passed since the box showed up on the wrong person’s doorstep, it’s no longer UPS’s problem. The package, we assume, will just be written off as “lost.” [More]
UPS Won't Leave Packages At My Apartment – What Can I Do?
Emmy and her partner shop online a lot, and they’re also not home much during the day. Historically this hasn’t been a problem: UPS leaves an InfoNotice on the door of their four-unit apartment building, then returns the next day and leaves the package. After a management change, the delivery policy to Emmy’s neighborhood changed, too: they would have to fetch their packages from the depot ten miles away or have all packages delivered to Emmy’s work. They don’t like either option, but what else can they do? [More]
There was an unexpected rise in new housing construction in February— fueled by an 82% jump in the construction of new apartment buildings. We suppose people have to live somewhere, right? [MarketWatch]