A man who upset over getting sold a lemon by a dealership decided to vent his rage in an unusual fashion. After the salesman wouldn’t accept a return, the man waited until midnight and then drove back to the dealership. Then he revved the engine and began smashing it into the cars on the lot. [More]

iPhone 4 Falls 1,000 Feet And Lives
An iPhone 4 fell from of the pocket of a U.S. Air Force Jump Master when he was looking out the plane and plummeted 1,000 feet to the ground, and was completely unharmed, reports iLounge. [More]

Panda Kicks Your Ass If You Say No To His Cheese
A compilation of several delightfully disturbing ads for Panda Cheese from the Middle East. If you say no to his cheese, he looks at you with gooey eyes while lovey music plays, then he gets all gangster on your ass. But you can purchase panda rampage insurance just by buying a box of Panda Cheese. Apparently, that’s just the name, it does not contain panda milk. [More]

Passengers Tossed Like Ragdolls Inside Storm-Stricken Cruise Ship
CCTV video has recently resurfaced showing what happened inside a Pacific Sun cruise ship during a severe storm. Passengers smack to the floor and locomote from port to sideboard and back again like ragdolls on ice, cling desperately to anything they can get a hand on, and try to dodge the piles of furniture caroming around. Cruise ships can be fun, but out there on the open seas Mother Nature can have her own ideas about what constitutes a good time. [More]

Make Ice Cream From Bananas
This recipe will show you how to make “ice cream” from bananas, a cool and cheap summer treat. The milk is optional. Repeat: optional. [Cooklikeyourgrandmother] [More]

Walgreens Takes Pity On You When You Get Mugged For Your Wallet And Prescriptions
Tabitha and her husband were part of a horrible chain of events. She was ill, and her husband was mugged on the way home from the pharmacy with her prescriptions. With his credit cards, cash, and his wife’s medicine all gone, her husband went back to the pharmacy…and received true above and beyond service. [More]

AT&T Credits New Customer's $200 T-Mobile ETF Just To Be Nice
Mike shared with Consumerist a story that is almost baffling for many reasons. First, he writes that T-Mobile charged his wife a $200 ETF when there were only 90 days left on her contract. But then a delightful, wonderful AT&T customer service rep offered a $200 credit for AT&T service–effectively paying her T-Mobile ETF and earning themselves two delighted customers in the process. [More]

Newborn And Mountain Dew Ruin Macbook, Applecare Goes Above And Beyond
Mark’s MacBook had an unfortunate run-in with an open container of Mountain Dew while he was holding his newborn daughter. He called Apple, but expected no help from the company, and certainly not an exception to Applecare’s accidental damage rules. He was wrong, and surprised. [More]

Insane Pics Inside Amazon UK's Distribution Center
So… many… toys. These pix showcase the perfectly organized chaos of Amazon UK’s distribution, or, “fulfillment” center, as they like to call it. [More]

iPod Survives Nine-Storey Plunge Into G20 Riots
While leaning out her dorm window to watch some riots — hell, what else is there to do in Pittsburgh? — Bob’s daughter’s iPod decided it’d had enough of this world and took a swan dive into oblivion.
Toys R Us Invites You To Save $-10
Ran into this sign over the weekend at the ToysRUs in Henderson, NV.