Remember when everyone got worked up over the “McDonald’s of the Future,” a restaurant in Missouri that announced it was planning on offering all-you-can-eat fries as a grand opening, promotional thing? Get your bus tickets, because the restaurant opened today. [More]
all you can eat

McDonald’s: “All-You-Can-Eat Fries” Is Limited To One Location, Not A Company Test
As you may have heard earlier this week, one McDonald’s location in Missouri will be offering all-you-can-eat fries when it opens in July. That news got twisted in some media reports that gushed about the fries being a company test, leading to confusion among customers. That misconception has prompted the powers that be at McDonald’s corporate to clear things up: there’s no test, so don’t get your hopes up. [More]

New “McDonald’s Of The Future” In Missouri Will Offer All-You-Can-Eat French Fries
While we live in a fast food world that’s been moving steadily toward healthier menu options, you better believe that if someone puts unlimited French fries on the table, people are going to react. That’s where a McDonald’s franchisee in Missouri with his big “McDonald’s of the future” idea comes in. In his version of the future, we will all eat as many fries as we want. [More]

Olive Garden Offering $100 “Never Ending Pasta Pass” For 7 Weeks Of Food
Nothing lasts forever, not even a $100 Never Ending Pasta Pass from Olive Garden. But that price will buy you all the pasta, salad, bread and soda you can stuff in your gullet for seven weeks from the chain eatery with its new gimmick. [More]

TGI Fridays Offering Endless Appetizers, Would Prefer If You Don’t Share With Friends
TGI Fridays is throwing down the all-you-can-eat gauntlet with a new “Endless Appetizers” promotion this summer — but don’t think that means you and your friends can gorge together. [More]

Restaurant Adds Surcharge For All-You-Can-Eat Customers Who Don’t Clear Plate
“All you can eat” isn’t an open invitation to waste food. That’s the message that one Swiss restaurant is trying to drive home to its lunch buffet customers by charging extra to diners who fail to clear their plates. [More]

Man Calls Police After Unsatisfying All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry
Once again, the phrase “all you can eat” is at the center of a dispute between a restaurant and a hungry customer who says he was cut off without getting his fill of fried fish. [More]

Teens Test Limits Of Denny's All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Deal With 24-Hour Chow-A-Thon
The true value of any all-you-can-eat deal depends on just how much food you’re able to funnel down your gullet while you’re sitting at the table. But seven teenagers in California most certainly got the most out of their dining dollar last weekend when they gorged on hundreds of pancakes at a local Denny’s over the course of 24 hours, and all for $5 each. [More]

Man Sues All-You-Can-Eat Sushi Joint Because He Didn't Want To Eat Rice
How open is the phrase “All-You-Can-Eat”? That’s what’s at the heart of a lawsuit filed by a man against a Studio City, CA, sushi restaurant. [More]

Baseball Teams Invite You To Stuff Your Face With Infinite Nachos
In an effort to ramp up slumping attendance, 19 of the 30 Major League Baseball teams are offering some sort of all-you-can-eat promotion this year. The feeding troughs keep fans happy as the teams slog through the dog days of the endless season. [More]

Verizon Wireless May Follow AT&T, Drop Unlimited Data Plans
When Verizon Wireless begins to introduce plans for its next generation data network later this year, don’t expect to see any all-you-can-eat unlimited offerings. In an interview with BusinessWeek, the company’s CFO said the company will likely have to change how it bills for data consumption as more data-hungry smartphones and apps enter the marketplace–and that means tiered data plans similar to the ones AT&T has introduced to help control data consumption. [More]

Gorge Like A Pro At All You Can Eat Buffets
Eating The Road has posted THE definitive guide to maximizing your all-you-can eat buffet experience. From types of buffets, to pre-game preparations, to inter-diner tactics, to post-game, everything you need to know about pigging your friggin’ brains out like a pro is here. A sampling: