
Target Demands To Scan My ID When I Buy Booze

Target Demands To Scan My ID When I Buy Booze

Scott says he can’t get to boozin’ unless he allows Target to scan his ID. Not just look at it, scan it. This is possibly linked to a one world government conspiracy. Either that or Target is just being weird, as usual. [More]

What's Up With Rite Aid Scanning My ID To Buy Booze?

What's Up With Rite Aid Scanning My ID To Buy Booze?

Consumerist reader Mark lives in the L.A. area and says he often picks up his alcohol from Rite-Aid because they’ve got good prices. But now Mark says Rite-Aid has gone beyond checking IDs and is actually scanning them into their computer. Not cool, in his book. [More]

We Are Too Poor For Fancy Alcohol

We Are Too Poor For Fancy Alcohol

The numbers are in for liquor sales in 2009, and last year had the smallest increase in sales since 2001, reports Bloomberg. What’s worse (if you own a high-end liquor company), sales shifted toward the products on the cheaper end of the spectrum, and people bought less at restaurants and other public places. But we’re not actually drinking less, it turns out–we’re just doing more entertaining at home. [More]

Svedka Can See The Future: Fortunately, It Has Vodka

Svedka Can See The Future: Fortunately, It Has Vodka

This liquor store is a very forward-thinking establishment. So forward thinking, in fact, that it has looked twenty-four years into the future to tell us what the top vodka of 2033 C.E. will be. It will be Svedka. [More]

Sam Adams Makes Illegal, Expensive Beer

Sam Adams Makes Illegal, Expensive Beer

Perhaps you’ve heard of Utopias, Sam Adams’ $150-a-bottle beer that’s banned in 13 states. An AP story says the brewery is releasing a new edition of its every-other-year beer, which the story says has the most alcohol by volume of any other beer at 27 percent. [More]

Has The Recession Forced You To Swap Stoli For Swill?

Has The Recession Forced You To Swap Stoli For Swill?

The old adage about booze being recession-proof may have some truth to it: alcohol sales are up 2% over the past year. Not surprisingly, the cheap stuff is leading the way, with sales of private-label wine — no, that’s not the stuff you brew in your backyard — up 20%. And more people are shunning bars and restaurants, opting instead for the comfort of a brown paper bag and the neighborhood stoop.

Minister For Hire Walks Out On Wedding

Minister For Hire Walks Out On Wedding

If you’re in Ohio and hire Gillian Kresila to officiate your wedding, you’d better not disobey her no-alcohol rule or you’ll be sorry. Kresila discovered that the 23-year-old bride, Erin Kuhns, had toasted her magic day with a glass of wine, and she walked out on the wedding a few minutes before it was scheduled to start.


A new study says 1 in 25 deaths is somehow tied to alcohol consumption. The impact was compared to that of smoking, the article quotes experts who want to take drastic action such as “increasing the price of alcohol, reducing its availability and banning advertising.” That seemed a little draconian to us, until we realized that it would free us from the tyranny of that Bud Lite “drinkability” campaign. [BBC]


Advice: If the Walmart employees tell you that you can’t drink alcohol while waiting to have your car serviced, don’t respond by ripping a telephone out of the wall. [Hernando Today via Fark]

Pennsylvania Training Its State Liquor Store Employees To Be Nicer

Pennsylvania Training Its State Liquor Store Employees To Be Nicer

If you buy your devil juice from Pennsylvania, you might notice a difference in the way you’re treated starting later this month. Pennsylvania is spending $173,000 to train employees of its state-owned liquor and wine stores to be more polite, reports “The board wants to make sure clerks are saying ‘hello,’ ‘thank you’ and ‘come again’ to customers coming in for wine and liquor.”

Alcohol Sales Plummet

Alcohol Sales Plummet

What’s up, beer drinkers of America? Bloomberg notes that “take-out sales of alcoholic beverages tumbled 9.3 percent in the fourth quarter, the steepest drop since the U.S. Commerce Department started compiling data half a century ago,” and a drop four times greater than the overall fall in consumer spending. Most of that was due to the 14 percent drop in beer sales.

Three Cheap Recipes For DIY Windshield De-Icers

Three Cheap Recipes For DIY Windshield De-Icers

Throwing vinegar or alcohol on your frozen windshield might be more efficient than hacking away with an ice scraper and cursing the snow, according to Wisebread. Inside, three easy do-it-yourself de-icing recipes that are sure to make those frigid mornings a little more bearable.

That Burning From Mouthwash? It's Cancer

That Burning From Mouthwash? It's Cancer

Great news, kids! Australian researcher Michael McCullough says you should stop using alcoholic mouthwashes like Listerine and Scope because they could give you oral cancer.

Money-Conscious Boozers Fight Depression With Happy Hour

Money-Conscious Boozers Fight Depression With Happy Hour

Consumers low in spirits are starting to sadden bar owners as they increasingly take advantage of happy hour deals. People aren’t cutting back on their drinking, but they are consuming more at home and trying to extract more booze from their buck when they go out.

News Flash: "Shoe Bomb" Jokes Are Not Appropriate Airplane Banter

News Flash: "Shoe Bomb" Jokes Are Not Appropriate Airplane Banter

Ah yes, alcohol and planes mix together once again — resulting in three days of jail for one St. Louis man who thinks “shoe bombs” are funny.


Hey! You Can Buy Alcohol At Costco And Sam’s Club Without A Membership!

Need some quality alcohol at discount prices? Don’t want to sign up for a Costco, Sam’s Club or BJ’s membership? There may be hope for you!

It's Midnight Somewhere…

It's Midnight Somewhere…

It’s New Year’s Eve, and we have some drinking suggestions for you.

A Farewell To Sparks And Other Alcoholic Energy Drinks

A Farewell To Sparks And Other Alcoholic Energy Drinks

Last week, MillerCoors bowed to pressure from numerous state attorneys general and agreed to decaffeinate its caffeinated alcoholic beverage, Sparks.