All of this connected home technology is great, but when will it do something useful and bring me a beer without me having to leave the couch? While it hasn’t quite reached the couch yet, you can restock your fridge with beer by speaking to an Alexa-enabled device. The suite of services are built around Miller Lite. [More]

MillerCoors Adds Another Brewer To Its Portfolio
MillerCoors’ beer aisle shopping spree appears to be far from over. Just weeks after MillerCoors expanded its craft beer portfolio with the purchase of Hop Valley Brewing Co. and Terrapin Beer Co., the company has added Revolver Brewing Co. to its arsenal. [More]

MillerCoors Buys Craft Beer Company Hop Valley Brewing Co.
Less than a week after MillerCoors became the sole property of Molson Coors, following federal regulators’ approval of a $107 billion beer merger between SABMiller and Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller, the brand announced it would continue its growth spurt, this time buying craft brewer Hop Valley Brewing Co. [More]

Anheuser-Busch/SABMiller Mega-Merger Gets Justice Dept. OK, After Miller Agrees To Sell All U.S. Brands
The $107 billion (with a b) merger of beer titans Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller has cleared a major hurdle today, with the U.S. Justice Department signing off on the merger — under the condition that Miller divest itself of all its remaining U.S.-based businesses. [More]

Judge Dismisses Blue Moon “Craft Beer” Lawsuit Against MillerCoors (Again)
Last year, a California man sued MillerCoors over its continued labeling of its Blue Moon brew as a “craft beer.” In October, a federal court threw out the case against the mega-brewer. A federal judge has now ended the argument once and for all, dismissing an amended complaint the plaintiff filed after the first case was tossed out. [More]

Anheuser-Busch Distributor Incentive Program Raises More Concerns Of A Stifled Craft Beer Market
With its $107 billion merger with SABMiller making waves and federal regulators investigating its purchase of several small distributors, one might think that Anheuser-Busch InBev would lay low when it comes to rocking the distribution boat. But that’s apparently not the case, as the company recently unveiled an incentive program that would provide distributors with a sliding scale of bonuses if most of the beer they sell comes from the brewer. [More]

Consumers Sue To Stop $107B Mega-Beer Merger
Anheuser-Busch InBev’s formal $107 billion bid to acquire SABMiller is far from a done deal: federal regulators will likely be combing through the details of the proposal for quite some time to determine how it will affect the global beer markets, and consumers’ wallets. But it looks as if lovers of the sudsy drinks are a bit ahead of the game, filing a lawsuit to stop the mega-merger. [More]

Will Mega Beer Merger Lead To Higher Prices & Fewer Choices For Consumers?
With a $104.2 billion merger agreed to in principle, beer giants Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller could be walking down the aisle soon, creating a company that provides nearly 70% of the beer sold in the U.S. While such a mega-merger might be beneficial to the companies as far as increasing market share and cutting costs, the deal could have some very real consequences for consumers – and other beer producers. [More]

MillerCoors Gets Court To Throw Out Blue Moon “Craft Beer” Lawsuit
Earlier this year, a California man sued MillerCoors (which is half-owned by SABMiller, which is currently in the process of a massive global merger with Anheuser-Busch InBev) over its continued labeling of its Blue Moon brew as a “craft beer.” But yesterday, a federal court threw out the case against the mega-brewer. [More]

Class Action Settlement Means AB InBev Must Refund Customers For Faux-Import Beck’s
Last September, a Consumerist reader contacted us, upset about something that he noticed on a beer label. The label of Beck’s, a German beer brand owned by the conglomerate AB InBev, says “Brauerei Beck & Co.” and “Originated in Bremen, Germany” on the label. Nathan and other Beck’s fans will be compensated for this bit of label trickery soon-ish, since AB InBev has settled a class-action lawsuit. [More]

MillerCoors Sued For Selling Blue Moon As A Craft Beer
To some people, the term “craft beer” implies that the brew is made in limited quantities and implies some level of independence from industry giants like MillerCoors and AB InBev. To others, it may mean just any brand that runs fewer than 10 commercials during your average Sunday NFL game. A recently filed lawsuit raises the question of whether anything made by these giant beer behemoths can justifiably be labeled a craft beer. [More]

Budweiser & Miller Reveal Dull Ingredients Lists For Top-Selling Beers
While the sugary, caffeinated soda I’m guzzling to get through this Friday morning has all manner of ingredients listed on the can, the beer in my fridge might just reads “beer,” and not because I’ve watched Repo Man too many times. Fact is, beer makers in the U.S. only need to tell you if there’s an allergen contained in the brew. But under pressure from a petition calling for more transparency on what’s in the beer we drink, the folks at Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors have offered up some insights that — so far — don’t reveal anything shocking. [More]

4 Beers That Americans Apparently No Longer Want To Drink
Walk into a lot of bars in this country and there’s a decent chance you’ll see the taps that once belonged to big brands increasingly being taken over by smaller operations (even if some of those “craft” brands also happen to be owned by one of the mega-brewers). This shift, along with a general decrease in beer sales, have cut some brands’ orders by more than half in just the last few years. [More]

Miller Ditches "Man Up," Resurrects "Miller Time"
After what seemed like an endless stretch of “man up” ads featuring guys behaving in ways that only guys in bad beer commercials behave, Miller Lite is hoping it can recapture some of its previous glory by resurrecting ye olde “It’s Miller Time” slogan. [More]

MGD 64 Lemonade Dies An Early Death
Earlier this year, the MillerCoors marketing machine decided that people really wanted a lemonade version of its successful MGD 64 low-calorie beer. Alas, there must have been a mistake in the algorithm and after only a few months on shelves, the beverage is no more. [More]

Minnesota Govt. Shutdown Also Resulting In Beer Shortages
We’re doubling down on news related to the Minnesota government shutdown today. A red tape snafu has could potentially leave all Minnesotans without easy access to Coors Light, Miller, Olde English 800 and dozens of additional beers. Meanwhile, bars across the state are running dry because they can’t buy more booze. [More]

A Farewell To Sparks And Other Alcoholic Energy Drinks
Last week, MillerCoors bowed to pressure from numerous state attorneys general and agreed to decaffeinate its caffeinated alcoholic beverage, Sparks.