
JetBlue Responds To Tweet, Goes Looking For Passenger's Sunglasses

JetBlue Responds To Tweet, Goes Looking For Passenger's Sunglasses

David Friedman, a photographer and blogger of cool ideas, was at JFK airport in New York City earlier today and realized he’d forgotten his sunglasses at the security gate. He mentioned it in a tweet, and to his surprise someont at JetBlue saw it and investigated for him. [More]

TSA Takes A Nap

TSA Takes A Nap

Being ineffectual is hard work. TSA nappy time! To sleep, perchance to dream of more hilarious pranks. ANIMAL’s Bucky Turco snapped this at New York’s LaGuardia airport. [More]

Security Breach At JFK Airport Leads To Delays, Evacuations

Security Breach At JFK Airport Leads To Delays, Evacuations

Thousands of passengers were evacuated from the American Airlines terminal at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport after an unidentified person opened a door restricted to airline personnel and TSA officers. Like the Newark incident of a few weeks ago, the offender was caught on camera but has not yet been found. It remains unknown whether he was a criminal or a moron. [Reuters] [NYDN] (Thanks, GitEmSteveDave!) [More]

Flight Delays Jump

Flight Delays Jump

“Whether or not the new security is making us safer, it seems to be making us slower.” So says a pretty graph over at GOOD magazine shows the dramatic increase in sluggishness 10 major airports. Percentage of departures canceled or delayed has jumped up from last year. The worst offenders? Forth Worth, Dallas, and Kennedy, at 70%, 55% and 51%, respectively. We eke ever closer to a Soviet Russia model of air travel. Eventually we’ll have to bribe the pilots to take off. [More]

Debate Airport Security In The Playmobil Security Check Point Amazon Review Section

Debate Airport Security In The Playmobil Security Check Point Amazon Review Section

After more knuckleheads tried to kill us, debate over airport security procedures has spilled over into all facets of lite, from the news to the diner counter to the the review section for the Playmobil Security Check Point. “I was a little disappointed when I first bought this item, because the functionality is limited. My 5 year old son pointed out that the passenger’s shoes cannot be removed,” quips one. There are dozens more. [Amazon] (Thanks to GitEmSteveDave!) [More]

Detroit Airport Wants Passengers To Stop Showing Up So #%&*@$ Early

Detroit Airport Wants Passengers To Stop Showing Up So #%&*@$ Early

There’s a downside to media reports of airport mayhem. In Detroit, destination of the flight on which a failed alleged terrorist attack took place on Christmas Day, passengers expect additional security screening and are showing up early. Too early. Early enough that they’re screwing up the entire flight schedule. [More]

Comfort Inn Driver Rescues Abandoned Holiday Inn Customers, Then Takes Them To Wendy's

Comfort Inn Driver Rescues Abandoned Holiday Inn Customers, Then Takes Them To Wendy's

Here’s a nice holiday-themed story of how a kind Comfort Inn driver not only helped out a group of stranded travelers, but even agreed to take them to get food after they checked into their hotel. Maybe he was hoping for some big tips, or maybe he’s got some grudge against the local Holiday Inn. (Or maybe he’s a nice guy.) Whatever his motivation, he probably just earned some repeat business for Comfort Inn. [More]

10 Things To Know To Keep Your Luggage From Getting Lost

10 Things To Know To Keep Your Luggage From Getting Lost

It’s late night at the airport and you’re the only one left standing at the baggage couresel, waiting for your luggage to arrive. The same blue duffel passes you like a broken record. Reality sinks in. Your baggage is lost. Tears form. Then, a rustling of rubber flaps. A form begins to emerge from the wall. Could it be, your lost bag? No, it is a man, a baggage handler man, covered in dust. He pats himself off and plants himself before you and begins a soliloquy. He is here to tell you you the 10 ten things you need to know to keep your bags from getting lost: [More]

Check Luggage Limits Online And Dodge Baggage Fees

Check Luggage Limits Online And Dodge Baggage Fees

How fat a bag can I bring? The ad-supported LuggageLimits compiles the carry-on and checked baggage rules for 90 airlines. Just enter your airline, ticket type, departure and arrival city and it will tell you if you’re likely to hit any fee turbulence with your luggage. [LuggageLimits via Lifehacker] [More]

Are You Ready To Go Shopping On Your Next Flight?

Are You Ready To Go Shopping On Your Next Flight?

American Airlines is beginning to experiment with turning flights into shopping opportunities, reports the New York Times. We’re not just talking about in-flight purchases of Sky Mall schwag, either: the paper reports that limousine services, tickets to theme parks and Broadway shows, and train tickets are some of the offerings being considered or currently being tested.

US Airways Pilot Pulls Plane Over To Kick Off Unruly Passenger

US Airways Pilot Pulls Plane Over To Kick Off Unruly Passenger

A 49-year-old Scottish man with an injured arm grew angry at the crew on his US Airways flight to London last night, so he demanded they turn the plane around and take him back to Philadelphia. Instead, the pilot, who has had it up to here with you kids, landed the plane at Logan International Airport in Boston and had him removed.

Google Offering Temporary Free WiFi Access At 47 Airports

Google Offering Temporary Free WiFi Access At 47 Airports

From now until January 15th, 2010, Google will offer free WiFi access at 47 airports around the country. As part of the promotion, they’ll be collecting donations through Google Checkout for three non-profit organizations and will provide matching funds up to $250,000. But whether you donate or not, there’s a much better chance now that you’ll be able to go online while waiting for your flight. Imagine all the airline tips you can send to us!

US Airways Shrinks

US Airways Shrinks

US Airways has announced it plans to lay off a thousand employees, about 3% of its workforce, and will cut flights and focus mostly on four hubs: Charlotte, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, DC.

TSA Takes Baby Away From Mother?

TSA Takes Baby Away From Mother?

UPDATE: The TSA has posted their CCTV video of the incident from 9 different angles. In the video, the child is never picked up by TSA agents or removed from the mother’s sight.

Your Plane Is Probably On Time, Thanks To The Recession

Your Plane Is Probably On Time, Thanks To The Recession

The good news, according to a recent report by the Brookings Institution? For the last few years, air travel delays have decreased and travel has become almost bearable. The bad news? That’s because of the decrease in travel due to the recession, and economic recovery will mean more delays. Yay.

Airport Payphone Charges $20 For 1-Minute Local Call

Airport Payphone Charges $20 For 1-Minute Local Call

Billy discovered how it can pay to read Consumerist. He was charged $20 for a pay phone call from an airport, but remembered our post last year about the NCIC credit card system’s exorbitant charges.

Let Sun Tzu Be Your Travel Buddy

Let Sun Tzu Be Your Travel Buddy

Reader Anil sent us this post that adapts Sun Tzu‘s The Art of War for battles at the airport ticket counter.

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

Access Commercial WiFi Hotspots At Airports For Free

We all know the crushing defeat of logging onto an open WiFi hotspot at an airport only to discover that you need to pay to reach the internet. No more! If the portal has a space for promotion codes, go ask the gift shop if they have a coupon for free access. If they don’t, you’re not out of options…