
US Airways Realizes Destination Airport Is Closed, Cancels Flight Mid-Air

US Airways Realizes Destination Airport Is Closed, Cancels Flight Mid-Air

A reader wrote into let us know that his US Airways flight from Charlotte, North Carolina to Charleston, South Carolina was forced to turn back when, fifteen miles outside of their destination, the pilot realized that the airport closed at midnight.

Poll: What's The Next Airline Fee?

Poll: What's The Next Airline Fee?

With airlines now charging fees for not paying fees a specified way and contemplating charging for bathroom access, we wanted to take a crack at predicting the next annoying fee. Take the poll inside and suggest your own fee.

Airline Passengers Bill Of Rights Lurches Down Congressional Runway

Airline Passengers Bill Of Rights Lurches Down Congressional Runway

Tomorrow, a Senate committee will hold a hearing on legislation that grants passengers the right to deplane if their plane is delayed on the runway for more than 3 hours. The legislation will also require that airlines provide water, food, and bathroom facilities during delays. If passed, it will be ignored by Delta.

Genius TSA Officer & Baggage Handler Caught Stealing From Decoy Luggage

Genius TSA Officer & Baggage Handler Caught Stealing From Decoy Luggage

Two workers at JFK airport fell into a trap set by Delta Airlines and the TSA, says the Daily News. The two men are accused of stealing a Macbook Air and a T-Mobile Sidekick from decoy luggage. The first man, a TSA officer, was videotaped rummaging through a Miami-bound suitcase in an airport screening room while a baggage handler watched.

Turtles In Heat Shut Down J.F.K. Runway

Turtles In Heat Shut Down J.F.K. Runway

78 turtles ambled out of Jamaica Bay on Wednesday to make sweet, sweet love all over one New York City’s busiest runways. It took Port Authority workers 35 minutes to shut down the impromptu nightclub, but the damage was done and travelers at J.F.K. experienced delays of up to an hour and a half.

Unlicensed Cabbie Welcomes Tourists To New York With High Speed Police Chase

Unlicensed Cabbie Welcomes Tourists To New York With High Speed Police Chase

Jean-Jacques Dulugat learned yesterday why you should never let an unlicensed cabbie give you a lift from the airport. Police tried to stop Dulugat and his family as they got into a van driven by a pair of known solicitors, but the duo took off and led cops on a high-speed chase through Brooklyn…

Southwest Is Coming To LaGuardia. Hello, Price War!

Southwest Is Coming To LaGuardia. Hello, Price War!

Starting tomorrow, Southwest will fly out of New York‘s LaGuardia airport, which hopefully means that flying between New York, Boston, Chicago, and Washington is about to get a whole lot cheaper.

Traveler Detained For Carrying "Too Much" Cash Sues TSA

Traveler Detained For Carrying "Too Much" Cash Sues TSA

Back in March, Steve Bierfeldt was pulled aside while going through the security line at Lambert-St. Louis (Missouri) International Airport, taken to a room, and questioned for half an hour about the box of cash he was trying to check through. Bierfeldt, who works for a Ron Paul organization, recorded the conversation. Now with the help of the ACLU he’s suing the TSA.

Bill Would Boost The Size Of Carry-On Bags, Charge TSA With Enforcement

Bill Would Boost The Size Of Carry-On Bags, Charge TSA With Enforcement

H.R. 2870 would require all airlines to accept slightly larger carry-on bags, which is great if you actually abide by the published carry-on limits. If you don’t, well, get ready to change your scofflaw ways because the TSA will enforce the new limits, and even slightly oversized bags won’t make it past security checkpoints.

Continental Offers Free Flights, Frequent-Flyer Status To Misrouted Child's Family

Continental Offers Free Flights, Frequent-Flyer Status To Misrouted Child's Family

Continental Airlines has made a much more generous offer to the family whose ten-year-old daughter was accidentally flown to Newark instead of Cleveland while flying as an unaccompanied minor. Paterfamilias and blogger Jonathan Kamens wrote that a Continental rep “assured [him] again that the airline takes what happened very seriously.” The details of Continental’s offer, inside.

Those Rascally Airplanes Are Starting To Show Up On Time

Those Rascally Airplanes Are Starting To Show Up On Time

Stats released by the U.S. Department of Transportation say airplanes are taking off on time more frequently than before. More flights were on time in April than in March, as well as April 2008.

Passenger Spots Handgun Being Smuggled Past Airport Security

Passenger Spots Handgun Being Smuggled Past Airport Security

An eagle-eyed passenger at Philadelphia International Airport spotted another passenger handing a bag directly to an airline employee — skipping airport security. The passenger alerted the TSA, who located the US Airways flight and searched the bag. Guess what was inside? An unloaded handgun.

Consumerist Poll: Is First-Class Travel Really Necessary?

Consumerist Poll: Is First-Class Travel Really Necessary?

Faced with a 20% drop in ‘premium’ travel as compared to a year ago, some airlines (Qantas, BA) have started cutting back on their first-class fanciness. Some (Emirates, Air France, Lufthansa) find the idea “unthinkable”. Yet those airlines who continue to invest in first-class travel might be making the smarter move: they’re hoping these passengers will stay loyal when the economy bounces back. Which is not such a bad idea, considering the fact that first-class passengers are the ones keeping the airlines afloat. (Uh, aloft?)

Brookstone Clerk Tries To Sneak Warranty Into Sale

Brookstone Clerk Tries To Sneak Warranty Into Sale

Clearly Brookstone doesn’t spend enough time training its employees to be dishonest, because this airport Brookstone clerk did a terrible job at trying to sneak a $4 warranty onto Nadav’s father’s purchase. She even admitted to the act when confronted.

United Airlines Won't Help Rush You To Your Dying Mother's Bedside Because "It's Time For The Ticketing Agent's Break"

United Airlines Won't Help Rush You To Your Dying Mother's Bedside Because "It's Time For The Ticketing Agent's Break"

Mike rushed his girlfriend to the airport to catch a flight to see her dying mother, only to watch her miss the flight because United Airline’s ticketing agent refused to help because “it was time for her to go on her break.” Passengers waiting in line were more than willing to let Mike’s girlfriend skip to the front of the line, but her sad situation apparently wasn’t enough to earn the agent’s sympathies. When his girlfriend finally reached the gate in time to watch her flight depart, the gate agent defended his colleague’s lack of sympathy, saying “management really makes us work some unreasonable schedules.”

Newly Bought Clothes Mysteriously Escape Your Luggage And Return Themselves

Newly Bought Clothes Mysteriously Escape Your Luggage And Return Themselves

Ah yes, the Philadelphia Airport. You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. A baggage handler has been charged with two counts of theft after a woman noticed that $550 worth of clothes (with the price tags still on) had mysteriously wandered out of her luggage.

United's Lost And Found Sounds Like A Good Place To Score Free iPhones

United's Lost And Found Sounds Like A Good Place To Score Free iPhones

Jason is one of those people who loses things all the time. He must be like Santa Claus to the people working for United at the San Francisco International Airport, because when he passes through their terminal, he leaves awesome presents behind. We can’t say for certain that a United employee stole his iPhone, but the last he heard of its whereabouts, it had been found by United crew members and was on its way to their Lost and Found—which won’t return his calls or emails.

Yale Student Files $1 Million Lawsuit After US Airways "Loses" His XBOX

Yale Student Files $1 Million Lawsuit After US Airways "Loses" His XBOX

A 21-year-old film studies major at Yale University is really annoyed that his XBOX 360 went missing from his luggage on a US Airways flight, so he decided to sue them. For a million dollars.