LG Says Life’s Good in the Ghetto

LG Says Life’s Good in the Ghetto

This is an LG billboard in Caracas, Venezuela, shot from one of the city’s worst slums.

Axe Stretches Imagination Until It Snaps Back

if you’ve ever wanted your underwear so stretchy it looks like you might have a giant penis, this axe ad, and presumably, these knickers, are for you.

AT&T Pays Fifty Bucks For Destroying Your Business

AT&T Pays Fifty Bucks For Destroying Your Business

New Mac Ads Preach to the Converted

For something that’s supposed to be so hip, macs are definitely taking a very classic turn in these latest “pc vs mac” spots.

Super Timor Insect Repellant Turns Malaria Into Dance Party

Every time you wonder why the civilized nations of the world don’t just send a neutron bomb hurtling into Paris, vaporizing the flesh of all its smarmy and lugubrious inhabitants but leaving the art and architecture intact, we recommend watching this commercial, which single-handedly justifies…

Rich Little Big Crazy For Little Debbies

What a delicious Little Debbie commercial starring Rich Little who was famous in his day for his celebrity impersonations.

Wes Anderson’s American Express Ad

The ad by Wes Anderson starring Jason Schwartzman is pretty fantastic, and almost too post-modern for its own good.

The $60,000 iPod Tekserve Ad

Normally, unless we were feeling really lazy, we wouldn’t post two ads right after one another but we just got this hot ad sent to us and we wanted to scoop it to you quick-styles.

Stunning MTV HD Ad Something to Crow About

Stunning work from the wunderlab that is the Psyop motion graphics studio.

All-State Ad Irks

All-State Ad Irks

This is from a full-page ad in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal, pointed to us by the inimitable Copyranter. The headline above it reads, “If San Francisco had the same size quake as in 1906, it could cost $400 billion to rebuild.

Ronald McDonald Vs. Evil Grimace

We’ve mentioned McDonald’s Grimace before, describing him as “gigantic, anthropomorphic taste bud, loathsomely pulsating through McDonaldland with an unslakeable thirst for frosty, gelatinous ooze.” We also mentioned that he used to be evil and initially had small arms.

H&R Cock Blocked

Last week Intuit, makers of Turbo Tax, sued H&R Block for mimicking its advertising campaign. Block’s ad “copies the physical appearance, dress and mannerisms of the characters in the TurboTax ad, as well as the set, staging and pace of the advertisement,” said Intuit in a statement.

German Burger King: Nation of Aryans, Idiots

There’s two requirements for making an ad in Germany. One: near-graphic sex. Two: the sex is thwarted by the promise of an inane consumer item.

Pepsi’s Nostalgic Moonwalk

Ah memories. Michael Jackson was still black and Pepsi’s “New Generation” premise was accepted without ironic interpretation. No one could see the darkness falling as the prince of pop converted prepubescent youth to his soulful freak-beat. The dancing kid is apparently “Carlton” from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Honda Rips Off VW Ad; Why?

Honda Rips Off VW Ad; Why?

At right is the iconic character created for the VW “Make Friends With Your Fast” campaign.

Frozen Food Ad Found Funny

A humorous commercials for frozen foods, or as they say, !@#$% foods…

Consumer-Made Ad Mocks Chevy

Consumer-Made Ad Mocks Chevy

With all the bloat and spasmodic jibbering about consumer-generated ads, it’s nice to see one backfire. Chevy teamed up with The Apprentice to hold an online contest where you remix video and sound clips to make your own Chevy Tahoe ad. Winners receive their choice various expense paid trips.

Twinkles Cereal Ad

Why don’t they make cereal anymore like Twinkles? As this commercial shows, the box came with a storybook on the back, with such stories as “Sleepy the Baby Kangaroo” and “The Lion Who Loved Himself.” Oh wait, kids can’t read anymore. Rats.