For me, one of the most memorable things that the public learned from an age-discrimination lawsuit against a former pilot for Abercrombie & Fitch’s corporate jet was not that the attendants were male models required to wear flip-flops, boxer briefs, and A&F cologne. It was that CEO Michael Jeffries required that the jet play the song “Take Me Home” by Phil Collins whenever it was headed back to Ohio. Now the jet is for sale and the CD has been shelved for good. [More]
abercrombie & fitch

The Only Abs You’ll See From Abercrombie & Fitch Now Are On A Cologne Bottle
Gone are the days of college dorm rooms papered entirely in panels from Abercrombie & Fitch bags, with abs, golden, undulating abs as far as the eye could see. After announcing last year that the company would be phasing out the ubiquitous stomach muscles in its ads, now the only six-packs you’ll see are on a bottle of the brand’s cologne. [More]

Abercrombie & Fitch Lawsuit That Isn’t Really About Hijabs Presented To Supreme Court
Five years ago, a teen applied for a job at a store selling clothes for a children’s clothing store that is part of the Abercrombie & Fitch brand. She wore a hijab, a headcovering that many female Muslims wear, and said that she would continue to wear it to work. This week, her case is before the U.S. Supreme Court, asking an odd question: does a job applicant need to specify that they’re wearing a religious garment or accessory for religious reasons? [More]

8 Things We Learned About The End Of Abercrombie & Fitch’s Jeffries Era
This week, Bloomberg Businessweek asks the question: can Abercrombie & Fitch be saved? Now that the retailer is losing sales, it has removed logos from its clothing, introduced the color black, and started selling some clothes above women’s size 10. (Mostly online, of course.) Is that enough to save the company, which for years was controlled by a CEO who saw himself, at age 70, as exactly like his 25-year-old ideal customers? [More]

Abercrombie’s “We Only Like Cool Kids” CEO Stepping Down From Throne Made Of Cargo Pants
In life, like in high school, sometimes even the cool kids have to leave the inner circle [cue end of voiceover]: Abercrombie’s chief executive Mike “We Only Want Attractive Kids Wearing Our Clothes” Jeffries is stepping down from the company’s CEO spot. [More]

Supreme Court Will Hear Case Of Abercrombie Job Applicant Denied Because Of Hijab
Back in 2008, a 17-year-old in Oklahoma applied for a job at a local Abercrombie Kids store. She made the cut, but learned that the store’s “look policy” wouldn’t allow her to wear a religious head covering. Just over a year ago, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission won the right for employees to wear religious head coverings while they battle the cologne stench at Abercrombie, but the headscarf itself isn’t what this case is about. [More]

Abercrombie & Fitch Ditching Logo-Heavy Clothing Because That Is So Last Decade
The halls of middle schools everywhere will be changed with this bit of news: Abercrombie & Fitch is scaling back the number of clothing items adorned with its once popular logo. [More]

SeaWorld Edges Out Ticketmaster, Joins Walmart In Worst Company Quarterfinals!
Round Two action continued today, with two Worst Company tournament newcomers each taking on established WCIA vets. In the end, one of those freshmen fighters was sent packing, while the other managed to eke out a victory against a company who has left such an indelible mark on the tournament’s history that it belongs in the WCIA Runner-Up Hall of Something That Rhymes With Fame But Means The Opposite. [More]

Facebook Gets The Thumbs-Up From Haters, Takes Final Spot In Worst Company Not-So-Sweet 16
After more than a week of bloodshed, half of the contenders that dared to dip their toes into the Worst Company wading pool (stocked with laser-equipped piranha and some ill-tempered guppies) have been carried out in Consumerist-branded body bags. The 16 fighters that remain are bruised, but not broken, and one of them will soon be crowned with the coveted Golden Poo. [More]

Comcast, Abercrombie, Chase Victorious In First Day Of Worst Company Competition!
The 2014 Worst Company In America competition got off to a big start today with readers turning out in droves to vote on the tournament’s first three match-ups that saw a former Golden Poo champ flexing its muscle, a tournament mainstay making its case for the WCIA title, and the year’s first upset. [More]

Have Fun Breaking Down This Year’s Worst Company In America Bracket
The above bracket will be updated at the end of each day of WCIA competition to reflect that day’s results.
After going through all of your nominations, then having y’all rank the contenders and eliminate the chaff from the wheat, we’re proud to present the first round match-ups for this year’s Worst Company in America tournament! [More]

Here Are Your Worst Company Contenders For 2014 — Help Us Seed The Brackets!
After sorting through a mountain of nomination e-mails, we’ve whittled down the field of competitors for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament to 40 bad businesses. Here’s your chance to have your say on how these players will square off in the bracket, and which bubble teams will get left out in the cold. [More]

Abercrombie & Fitch Finally Realizes It Should Probably Offer Larger Sizes For Women
Well look at that, it only took Abercrombie & Fitch six full months to realize that not every woman can fit into a size 10 or below. Abercrombie’s apparent eureka moment has finally arrived, it seems, as the company says it’s going to work on expanding its sizing selections for women beyond its current limit of Large and size 10. Oh and it’s also going to sell shoes — but only up to size 8. I’m kidding! Totally kidding. But you never know. [More]

Abercrombie & Fitch Agrees To Let Employees Wear Headscarves As Part Of Settlement
After a judge said that Abercrombie & Fitch’s ban on head coverings — detailed in its controversial “Look Policy” for employees — violates workers’ rights, the company that courts the cool, skinny kids has agreed to tweak its dress code and allow store employees to wear headscarves. [More]

Judge: Abercrombie & Fitch Violated Civil Rights Of Former Worker By Banning Head Coverings
It isn’t just disabled customers or extra-large shoppers Abercrombie & Fitch has been accused of discriminating against — a judge says the clothing retailer’s Hollister brand was also in the wrong when a store fired a worker after she refused to remove her head covering, a hijab she wears for religious reasons. [More]

Is Your Hair Acceptable For Abercrombie & Fitch?
Are the highlights in your hair sunkissed and subtle with complementary shading? Then maybe you can work for Abercrombie & Fitch. But those of you with “chunks of contrasting color” can go work at a store that doesn’t think plus-size consumers are the “not-so-cool kids.” [via Buzzfeed, which has many other details from the Abercrombie employee handbook] [More]

If Hospital Names Its ER After Abercrombie & Fitch, Will Patient Gowns Come In XL Sizes?
Ohio State University is reportedly gearing up to name its new emergency department after Abercrombie & Fitch, as a nod to the $10 million the Ohio-based company donated to the medical center in recent years. We can’t help but imagine half-clothed doctors with rippling muscles, and artfully ripped denim hospital gowns with a surfeit of cargo pockets (the better to carry your IV bag in?) — but not in XL or XXL sizes for women, natch. [More]

Abercrombie & Fitch Shareholders Vote Against CEO’s XXL Pay Package
So Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike “Gary Busey Is My Spirit Animal” Jeffries doesn’t want to sell XL or XXL sizes for women? That’s fine. But his investors are also against extra large things, in the form of a shareholder vote against the company’s proposed extra large pay package it wanted to give Jeffries. [More]