Even if car doesn’t have an engine to rev, it still has to make enough noise to warn pedestrians that it’s coming. So says the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which just released a new rule that says all hybrid and electric vehicles have to produce an audible sound when traveling at low speeds. [More]
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UPDATE: McLaren Says It’s Not Talking About Selling Itself To Apple
Well, that was quick: shortly after a report from the Financial Times hit the news cycle today saying that Apple was in talks to buy McLaren, the automaker says that’s not happening. [More]

Amazon Wants To Show You Cars Online, But Won’t Actually Sell One To You
In yet another effort to strengthen its grip on e-commerce and infiltrate shoppers’ lives even more deeply, Amazon.com has just launched a new online car-browsing tool. [More]

Sears Expanding DieHard Brand With Foray Into The Car Tire Business
After hinting that it would be exploring unnamed options for getting more out of some of its signature house brands, Sears has announced that it will be expanding DieHard’s reach in the automotive market by selling passenger-car tires under the brand. [More]

Man Puts Up Stolen Lexus As Collateral, Steals Mercedes On Test Drive
It probably wasn’t the first time that one man in Pennsylvania has been accused of stealing a car. We’re guessing. That’s because when he took a Mercedes on a test drive at a dealership near Pittsburgh, the Lexus that he left behind the keys to was, um, also reported stolen. From another dealership. [More]

Would A Guaranteed Buyback Deal Convince You To Buy A Fancy Electric Car?
If someone were to ask you, “Hey, wanna buy a $60,000 electric car?” you’d probably be like, “Yeah, one sec, let me just dip into that offshore bank account.” But what if it came with a guaranteed buyback deal that would allow you to resell it after 36 months? That’s the gambit Tesla Motors is trying in a new venture it’s worked out with several banks to convince drivers to buy its Tesla Model S electric car. [More]

Would You Be Okay Ditching Metal Keys In Favor Of A Smartphone App To Start Your Car?
“Where are my keys? I had them right here. But where are they now? UGH I NEED TO FIND MY KEYS.” That’s happened to you probably, but what about losing your smartphone? Maybe not as often, and it’s easier to find what with that whole ringing/beeping and otherwise making noise feature. In the future, losing your keys might be tougher as the American Automobile Association predicts smartphone apps will replace traditional car keys. [More]

Mattel Writes Back To Hot Wheels-Loving Little Girl, Sends Her Free Car Coupon
Rick’s daughter had a question about her toys. She wanted to know why some Hot Wheels cars have drivers, and why some don’t. Instead of just making up an answer or saying that he didn’t know, he sent a quick e-mail to Hot Wheels maker Mattel. They sent her back what was probably a form e-mail, but still surprised and delighted Rick. There was another surprise, too. [More]

Going Green Doesn't Always Mean Plugging In When It Comes To Cars
You don’t have to buy a car that plugs into an outlet to be green or run on batteries, says a new scorecard of the most eco-friendly vehicles on the road. [More]

How Does Brake Override Technology Stop Runaway Cars?
The recent fuss over Toyota’s recalls has brought a lot of attention to a previously rather boring car feature: brake override. It wasn’t a very sexy feature until we began reading about throttles gone rogue, taking drivers on a terrifying ride. Brake override, and its absence on the affected Toyota models, became very interesting all of a sudden. But how does it work? Does it really work? Our sister publication Consumer Reports has a test track and some Toyotas lying around, so they set out to find out. [More]

Not All Camaro Owners Got Free Pizza From Papa John's
Like Quizno’s and KFC before them, Papa John’s went and set up a cute promotion without making sure that all of their franchisees have signed on. Papa John’s founder John Schnatter was reunited with his long-lost 1971 Camaro, and to celebrate, promised free pizza to anyone who drove up to a Papa John’s restaurant in a Camaro. Except, you guessed it, not at all Papa John’s locations.

Best Buy To Sell Electric Motorcycles
Have you ever wished that you could combine the competent, organized staff of your local Best Buy with the gentle, no-pressure sales environment of a vehicle showroom? You’re in luck! Best Buy is now selling motorcycles. Motorcycles?
10 Most/Least Reliable Cars
According to the always controversial ConsumerReports, these are the 10 most and least reliable cars by class.