Summer blockbuster season is almost upon us. The months of kicking back in the full-blast air conditioning and watching digitally-created stuff blow up will begin in just a couple of weeks, and at this point, it’s an annual ritual. [More]

3D TV Is Dead. Will Glasses-Free 3D Resurrect It?
Three years ago at CES 2011, glasses-free 3D prototypes were everywhere (though they were incredibly underwheliming). It was supposed to be the holy grail that would finally make it worthwhile to have a 3D TV at home. Since then, others have declared that 3D TV is dead. Some manufacturers blame the glasses for 3D’s demise and are still hoping that glasses-free can breathe new life into the format. [More]

3 Reasons Why ESPN 3D Is Going Off The Air
In what will come as sad news to about 26 of you out there, ESPN has decided to close up shop on its comin’-at-ya! sports channel ESPN 3D, citing low viewer demand. [More]

Regal Cinemas Raising Ticket Prices 4% Because You’re All Still Gonna Pay
Thanks to innovations like 3D and IMAX (or IMAX-ish), going to see a movie in theaters is an experience that a home theater really can’t match, even if a home theater has the benefit of comfier seats and no obnoxious strangers. The bosses of Regal Cinemas, one of the chains that have consolidated Americans’ away-from-home movie experience, understand this. So they’re going to raise ticket prices some more. [More]

Why Is It Taking So *&%# Long To Get Good 3D Content On TV?
Anyone who owns a 3D TV probably knows that there is not exactly an overwhelming amount of 3D programming available to merit putting on the glasses. The media and manufacturers keep saying that 3D is the next big thing to be coming-at-ya, but will there ever be content that justifies buying a 3D TV? [More]

Ebert Says 3D Will Never Work Because Our Brains Hate It
The massive 3D gimmick the entertainment industry is trying to foist on all of us is going to be about as successful as “Smell-O-Vision,” says film critic Roger Ebert. No, he’s not just just being cranky or “anti new stuff.” Rather, it’s that our brains and eyes are simply not wired for viewing an extended series of 3D images. All the technology improvements and marketing won’t ever beat biology. Here’s why. [More]

Sony Shows Off Enough 3D Stuff To Make Your Head Explode (In 3D Of Course)
Here at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, just about everyone is showing off 3D TVs. But at Sony’s oversized press conference on the eve of the big expo, the company went far beyond TVs, hyping up everything from 3D cameras and handicams to laptops and self-contained 3D headsets. [More]

See Your iPhone In 3D Thanks To Snap-On Binoculars
For those who find 3D glasses too liberating and are interested in making their portable devices less portable, Hasbro is making a viewfinder that lets you see your iPhone or iPod screen graphics in 3D. [More]

Samsung Disses Toshiba, Says Common Glasses-Free 3DTVs Are At Least 5 Years Off
It’s a safe bet that 3D TVs that require buzzkilling glasses won’t catch on in mainstream living rooms, so all eyes are on the next wave of technology — the 3DS-like goal of TVs that let you see Vikings battling dragons in 3D without the burden of eyewear. [More]

VIDEO: How Consumer Reports Tests 3D TVs
Since 3D TVs are still a new and developing consumer technology, the testers at Consumer Reports have had to develop new ways to put the figure out which of these sets — if any — are worth recommending. [More]

Lucas Figures Out Way To Make You See Star Wars Movies In Theaters Again
People who are sick of Star Wars have new reason to hope the world will come to an end in 2012, because the Hollywood reporter says that’s the year the films will start hitting theaters in 3D. [More]

Are The Glasses A Dealbreaker For Buying 3D TVs?
Whether or not it will last, 3D is still a growing trend at the movies and with TV manufacturers. However, a new survey shows that most people won’t buy a 3D TV just because they have to wear the required glasses. [More]

Is The 3D Movie Fad Over Yet?
When the blue-skinned do-gooder hippies of Avatar were unleashed on movie screens last December, nearly three quarters of its opening weekend revenue came from people watching it in 3D. Since then, just about every major action or animated movie has been released in 3D, but often to diminishing results. [More]

Sony Warns Gamers Its 3D Fare Might Sicken Them
It’s always an adventure when Sony, or most any company for that matter, updates its terms of service. Sony dropped a whopper recently, notifying gamers that 3D games could pose health risks. If your Super Stardust HD wingman is 6 years old or younger, Sony recommends you schedule a visit with the doctor to clear him for 3D gaming. [More]

The Virtual Boy And Other 3D Gaming Failures Throughout Time
With Sony releasing 3D-capable games for the PS3 and Nintendo readying its 3DS, it would seem the video game world is trying something new and innovative. Not so. As those with long memories of pathetic game products from the past will remember, the industry has danced with the third dimension for decades. [More]

3D Movie Glasses Maker Realizes Kids Exist, Watch Movies
Someone over at 3D glasses manufacturer RealD must have sat next to a child during a 3D movie and grimaced as the little tyke strained to keep the too-big-and-heavy glasses on his nose for half an hour, then finally gave up and suffered through the rest of the film in blurry 2D. The company started making glasses that fit on kids’ faces. [More]

You Can Game In 3D On Your PS3 Now If You Really Want To
Welcome to the future, which sadly is lacking in jetpacks, Cubs World Series titles and robot maids but does at least have 3D gaming, although it requires a special, expensive TV and dorky glasses. As of today the PS3 supports 3D in three downloadable games: Wipeout HD, Super Stardust HD and Pain. You can also nerd it up by playing the free MotorStorm Pacific Rift demo in 3D. [More]

Best Buy Clarifies Its Policy On Imaginary Sync Service For 3D Glasses
Last week, HD Guru pointed out that Best Buy was advertising 3D glasses syncing as part of a $150 installation service for people buying 3D TVs. The problem with the offer is it’s not necessary (or even possible) to manually “sync” your 3D glasses with a 3D TV. Now Best Buy has responded to the post, partly by explaining that some customers might not know that the glasses sync up automatically and that they can depend on Geek Squad to educate them. [More]