For the last few years, TV manufacturers have been pushing 3D technology to consumers as a great new way to view television, but broadcasters have been slow to provide enough content to make the switch worthwhile. Here’s a look at some of the numbers that highlight the problems. [More]
3d tv

Why Is It Taking So *&%# Long To Get Good 3D Content On TV?
Anyone who owns a 3D TV probably knows that there is not exactly an overwhelming amount of 3D programming available to merit putting on the glasses. The media and manufacturers keep saying that 3D is the next big thing to be coming-at-ya, but will there ever be content that justifies buying a 3D TV? [More]

Panasonic Has No Idea Why Your 3D TV Keeps Adding Phantom Channels
Josh really enjoys having a 3D television in his home, and spent a lot of money for the privilege. About six months after purchase, the set began adding phantom channels to his lineup. Not a catastrophic problem, but not a problem that’s easy to ignore when you dropped more than two grand on the TV set less than a year ago. But Josh is apparently the only one on the planet with this problem, and while Panasonic can’t figure out the cause, they’re not about to send Josh a new TV or even send someone out to his home to fix it, even though his service agreement states that’s sort of what they have to do. [More]

Panasonic Marketing Guy: Lack Of Good 3D Movies Makes 3D TVs Sell Poorly
A Panasonic marketing executive says it’s Hollywood’s fault you don’t want to buy a 3D TV. If there were more Avatars and fewer Clash of the Titanses, he insinuates, you’d feel compelled to spring for the expensive products and their obnoxious accompanying glasses. [More]

Are The Glasses A Dealbreaker For Buying 3D TVs?
Whether or not it will last, 3D is still a growing trend at the movies and with TV manufacturers. However, a new survey shows that most people won’t buy a 3D TV just because they have to wear the required glasses. [More]