Kat tells Consumerist that she had an odd experience while shopping at Forever 21. The store accidentally charged her twice for an item that was on clearance–no returns. In most retail establishments, this isn’t a problem. But at Forever 21, based on Kat’s experience, all the chain can offer you is store credit instead of a refund of the overcharge. Kat wanted the money returned to her account. [More]
Retail Services
Reach Best Buy's Executive Resolution Team
If you have an issue with Best Buy that you’ve tried and tried and tried and tried to resolve using normal customer service methods, to no avail, try pinging this guy on their executive resolution team: [More]
Save On Drugs By Making Your Pharmacy Price-Match
What made Jules sicker than her strep throat was the price Kroger wanted to charge her for a 6-pack of generic Azithromycin. $38.72! “That’s highway robbery!” she told the them. Then Jules stumbled onto something most people don’t know that could save them serious money on prescription medication: you can price-match your pills. [More]
Did Citibank Fire This Woman For Being Too Sexy?
A former banker at a Manhattan branch of Citibank has filed a lawsuit against parent company Citigroup, alleging that she was fired from her job for just being too attractive. [More]
Amazon Coupon Codes For June 2010
ProBargainhunter has got all the new Amazon Coupon codes for June, fresh off the griddle. Here’s some of the choicer cuts: [More]
Best Buy Might Give You A Free iPod If You Know To Ask
Apple is running their regular back-to-school promotion for students and teachers this summer. Buy a Mac, get a free iPod Touch. Neat deal. But let’s say that you’re another retail outlet that sells Apple computers, but doesn’t offer that deal. Say that you’re….Best Buy. How do you convince customers to buy a computer from you, when you can’t offer them a free iPod? Well…offer them 18-month financing. Then point out how many RewardZone points they’re going to earn. Finally, you could just give up and give them a free iPod…. but only if they ask.
According to an inside source, that’s exactly what Best Buy plans to do.
Best Buy Will Price Match Washer Only If You Buy It Elsewhere
Reader John says he went to Best Buy to get a washer/dryer set. When he asked a salesman to price match another retailer (there was a large sign on top of the machine saying they would price match), he says he was told a) he’d have to actually go buy the washer/dryer set at the other retailer and bring back a receipt b) even if he went and did that, Best Buy might not match the price because Best Buy doesn’t need John’s business. Really? [More]
Anyone Want To Buy Radio Shack?
Radio Shack, oh, I’m sorry, “The Shack” is on the auction block. Private equity groups like Blackstone Group are bidding for it, and Best Buy could be a possible secret contender as well, according to the Post. I guess that scheme to dominate the market by knowing the zip code of every battery purchaser didn’t work out so hot. (Thanks to Gary!) [More]
Walmart T-Shirt Sports Inverted American Flag
If you’re easily offended by misrepresentations and abuses of the American flag, retailers will funnel plenty of hate fuel your way — crotch flag underwear, anyone? xAaronx took issue with this shirt he spotted at Walmart, which has a picture of a flag with the stars in the wrong corner. Not the most patriotic thing to discover on a Memorial Day, when xAaronx wrote us. [More]
Guys Love Spanx
According to Neiman Marcus, people might make jokes about Spanx for men but they’re flying off the shelves. The men’s fashion director at the department store told the New York Times, “We are selling them as quickly as Spanx can make them. Men may not be talking about it, but they’re buying it.” The president of Freshpair, a website that sells “torso-enhancing” tees, says “profile-enhancing” underwear is also quite popular. [More]
Show Your Support For BP By Filling Up At ARCO, AM/PM
Since BP is doing such a great job cleaning up that oil spill, it’s only right that consumers show their support for the quicker, thicker picker-uppers by bringing their business to subsidiaries ARCO and AM/PM, and greasing the wheels with BP’s Castrol Motor Oil. [More]
Segway Slowly, Dorkily Rolls Onto Worst Inventions List
On the heels of the New York Daily News stupid inventions list comes Time Magazine’s 50 Worst Inventions roundup. Equally awful Farmville, the Segway and subprime mortgages pop up along with the must-have-sounded-good-at-the-time hydrogen blimp. [More]
Sears: We Can't Replace Your Mom's Air Conditioner, So Cancel Your Vacation
Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer, and what does summer mean here at The Consumerist? Air conditioner horror stories, of course! Janet, a senior citizen with health problems living in Memphis, Tenn., tells Conumerist that Sears is dragging out the repair of her air conditioning unit in a way that’s unacceptable considering the current weather conditions. When Janet’s daughter explained to a Sears that she couldn’t leave her alone in a roasting house during her planned, non-refundable vacation, she says the rep helpfully suggested that she cancel the vacation. Not helping, Sears. Not helping. [More]
Cosmetics Retailers Tell You That Looking Good Makes You Healthy
Research conducted for the National Association of Chain Drug Stores has revealed that in order to be healthy, you first have to look really hot: “The first stage of health and wellness is beauty,” said researcher Thom Blischok, during an event on “Redefining Health and Beauty Care for Untapped Profit Potential.” [More]
Target Just Can’t Stop The Crazy Prices
Sure, we’ve explained the apparent insanity of Target’s prices, but the crazy just keeps on coming. Here are a few examples from our stuffed-full Target is Crazy mailbag. [More]