Earlier this week, Nordstrom came under fire for its latest entry in the “crimes against jeans” files. While Twitter mercilessly mocked the department store for its $425 jeans with “caked-on-muddy coating,” at least one other retailer was apparently waiting in the wings with its own joke: Reebok debuted a pre-sweat-stained t-shirt, for you guessed it, $425. [More]

Walmart T-Shirt Sports Inverted American Flag
If you’re easily offended by misrepresentations and abuses of the American flag, retailers will funnel plenty of hate fuel your way — crotch flag underwear, anyone? xAaronx took issue with this shirt he spotted at Walmart, which has a picture of a flag with the stars in the wrong corner. Not the most patriotic thing to discover on a Memorial Day, when xAaronx wrote us. [More]

Consumerist T-Shirts: Logo or No Logo?
The Gawker Shop has asked us to ask you: Should the Consumerist T-Shirt include the Consumerist logo?

Parody Wal-Mart T-Shirt Designer Sued
Charles Smith of Bentonville, Arkansas is under fire from the Wa-Mart’s switchblade gang of crack attorneys from marketing t-shirts with the message “I {heart} WAL*OCAUST. They have family values and their alcohol, tobacco and firearms are 20% off.”

For the Man Who Ships Everything: Delivery Livery
We don’t know a thing about the purchase-ability of this shirt, but it’s clearly going to be the next must-have item for online shopping devotes.

Urban Outfitters Rips Designer’s Panda T-Shirt
The Urban Outfitters design theft accusations just don’t stop. Molly Roth writes:
For the past year, I’ve been struggling to get my e-tee shop off the ground. Madapollam.com has 4 original t-shirt designs that I made myself. I’ve been using Myspace.com and Livejournal as avenues to advertise my site.

Urban Outfitters Rips Designer’s Cupcake T-Shirt
Online vendor Johnny Cupcakes sells t-shirts and other clothing for hipsters festooned with cupcakes. (A notion we entirely support, being given to a particular love for the tiny cakes.) Apparently Urban Outfitters asked Johnny Cupcakes for a few samples of his t-shirts to be considered for placement in their stores, something that would have certainly had great financial reward for both companies. Sadly, Urban Outfitters chose not to carry Johnny Cupcake’s products—or he chose not to go with them for some reason; we’re not sure—and never returned his samples.