Quality & Safety

Wendy's Gourmet Mushroom Swissburger Menu Picture V. Reality

Wendy's Gourmet Mushroom Swissburger Menu Picture V. Reality

Hey kids, let’s play a game. The first person to find the “gourmet” in this photo wins. And no, identifying the word “gourmet” does not count. Ready? Go! (Thanks to JohnOB1!)

So, Who's To Blame For The Salmonella Outbreak? PCA, The FDA, The CDC…

So, Who's To Blame For The Salmonella Outbreak? PCA, The FDA, The CDC…

We know there’s salmonella story fatigue setting in, but this new overview from yesterday’s Senate hearing is the best yet as far as piecing together exactly how salmonella-tainted peanut butter made it into our food supply for such a long period of time, and why it took so long to trace it back to a single rotten peanut plant in Georgia. Ultimately the blame lies with Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) for failing to maintain its factory and for not destroying lots that tested positive for salmonella, but both the FDA and the CDC had a role in it, too. One example: the FDA didn’t even know the plant produced peanut butter or peanut paste until 2007.

"There Are Worms In My Goobers!"

"There Are Worms In My Goobers!"

Out of an abundance of caution, Dollar General has ordered its stores to remove Goobers candy from its shelves and is programming its point-of-sale systems to block transactions of this product pending further investigation.”

FEMA Food May Contain Salmonella Peanut Butter

FEMA Food May Contain Salmonella Peanut Butter

Food kits distributed by FEMA as part of a disaster relief effort in Kentucky and Arkansas may contain some of that awesome salmonella peanut butter we’ve been hearing so much about.

Woman Sues McDonald's For Serving Cleaning Liquid Instead Of Iced Tea

Woman Sues McDonald's For Serving Cleaning Liquid Instead Of Iced Tea

A Baltimore woman is suing McDonald’s for negligence, after she says they served her a cup of kitchen equipment sanitizer instead of iced tea.

Peanut Corp Says Salmonella Plant Was Regularly Inspected, Given Good Ratings

Peanut Corp Says Salmonella Plant Was Regularly Inspected, Given Good Ratings

Peanut Corp. of America is now saying that its Georgia plant was regularly inspected by the FDA and given a “meets or exceeds” rating. This doesn’t excuse the company from its own failings, but we think it points out what President Obama recently noted, which is that the FDA inspection system doesn’t seem to work very well.

Obama Orders Review Of FDA In Wake Of Salmonella Outbreak

Obama Orders Review Of FDA In Wake Of Salmonella Outbreak

President Obama has had it up to here with poor FDA oversight, particularly of salmonella-infested peanut factories, and he’s called for a review of the underfunded organization, according to U.S. News & World Report.

CPSC Delays Most Of CPSIA By One Year

CPSC Delays Most Of CPSIA By One Year

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) has been delayed for one year for crafters, children’s garment manufacturers and toy makers by the CPSC. Instead of just giving specific exemption for like libraries and Etsy peeps, the CPSC decided to kick the can down the road. At least, however, the lead paint ban and lead in children’s jewelry standards will still go into effect.

Consumer Groups To Obama: Please Put Someone With A Brain In Charge Of The CPSC

Consumer Groups To Obama: Please Put Someone With A Brain In Charge Of The CPSC

There’s been a lot of talk lately about how the upcoming implementation of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The law requires that all children’s products be tested for lead and has caused a major freak out amongst librarians (who don’t really want to test their books for lead, or ban children from the library) and thrift stores (who can’t afford to test used toys for lead). Apparently, according to consumer groups that support the bill, the CPSC is supposed to be monitoring this situation and adding exceptions as needed, but has been ignoring the issue. Now those groups are asking President Obama for a change of leadership within the CPSC. Read their letter inside.

Senator And Representative Call For Criminal Investigation Of Salmonella Peanut Company

Senator And Representative Call For Criminal Investigation Of Salmonella Peanut Company

Responding to FDA reports that the company responsible for the salmonella-tainted peanut butter that has infected over 500 people knew its products were contaminated, two members of Congress have called for a criminal investigation into Peanut Corporation of America .

How Unscrupulous Food Manufacturers Manipulate Lab Tests

How Unscrupulous Food Manufacturers Manipulate Lab Tests

In yesterday’s Peanut Corp. post, our commenter microguy07828 left a detailed explanation of how food manufacturers sometimes play dirty when it comes to getting the lab results they want on a product. We though it deserved more visibility in light of yesterday’s accusation that the Peanut Corp. of America knowingly shipped tainted peanut butter. As microguy07828 puts it, it “happens more often than you would think.”

Peanut Corp. of America Knowingly Shipped Tainted Peanut Butter

Peanut Corp. of America Knowingly Shipped Tainted Peanut Butter

The news about Peanut Corp. of America’s complete abandonment of food safety gets worse: now it seems that the company knew its peanut butter had salmonella, but shipped it anyway. When the product tested positive, the company shopped around for another lab to provide “acceptable” results.

Study Finds Bisphenol-A Can Enter Your Body Through Non-Food Sources

Study Finds Bisphenol-A Can Enter Your Body Through Non-Food Sources

A new study from the University of Rochester shows that bisphenol-A (BPA), a potentially toxic chemical found in many plastics, can enter the body via non-food sources and lingers in the body longer than previously thought.

Who's Watching Our Nation's Honey Imports? Pretty Much No One

Who's Watching Our Nation's Honey Imports? Pretty Much No One

The Seattle P.I. reports that “two-thirds of the honey Americans consume is imported and almost half of that, regardless of what’s on the label, comes from China.” The first problem with that is some Chinese honey is “tainted with banned antibiotics” such as ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol. The second problem, according to U.S. honey producers who are upset about the lack of oversight, is that whenever contaminated honey is discovered, many companies just sent it back to the importer and never tell the FDA—which means it can be resold elsewhere, including to other U.S. packers.

A Big List Of Peanut Butter Products That Don't Have Salmonella

A Big List Of Peanut Butter Products That Don't Have Salmonella

As our nation’s peanut tragedy continues, some of you must being getting tired of preparing your own peanut treats from scratch. For you people, the American Peanut Council has compiled a list of brands that DO NOT contain salmonella. You are so very welcome.

Salmonella Peanut Butter Plant Repeatedly Violated Health Codes

Salmonella Peanut Butter Plant Repeatedly Violated Health Codes

The Georgia peanut plant responsible for the salmonella outbreak that has sickened nearly 500 and killed at least 7 was repeatedly cited with health code violations for being “not properly cleaned and sanitized.”

Find If Your Kid's Toys Got Recalled

Find If Your Kid's Toys Got Recalled

Want to know if your kid’s toys got recalled? The Parents.com Toy and Product Recall finder shows you. Just enter the name, brand, or model number, or search by category. For this task, at least, it’s more More organized and prettier than Google.

Impoverished Consumers Overwhelm British Site That Sells Expired Food

Impoverished Consumers Overwhelm British Site That Sells Expired Food

Impoverished and hungry Britons can’t get enough of Approved Food, a site that sells expired but still edible food for up to half off. Even after shutting down for two days to grapple with a ten-fold rise in traffic, the site warns that they still have to process 12 days worth of backorders. But can’t expired food give you salmonella or herpes, you ask? Nope! FDA regulations don’t require most foods to carry expiration dates, and selling expired food isn’t a violation of federal law.