Food & Personal Care

Megan Sparks

Congratulations Wisconsin, You Can Sell Your Homebaked Cookies Like Everyone (Except New Jersey)

Three Wisconsin entrepreneurs have the sweet taste of victory in their mouths today after a judge ruled that a law banning the sale of home-baked goods doesn’t fly under the state’s constitution. [More]

Mike's Coffee

Dunkin’ Donuts Threatens Coffee Shop With Legal Action Over Handwritten Window Message

We understand the need for companies to protect their trademarks, but the biggest names in coffee seem to love punching down at small businesses over minor disputes. Starbucks twice fought — and twice lost — a battle with a small New Hampshire roaster over “Charbucks, Caribou Coffee forced a Michigan cafe to change its name, and now Dunkin’ Donuts is threatening legal action against a Massachusetts coffee shop over a slogan handwritten on the store’s window. [More]


Do You Have To Be 21 To Drink On International Flights?

Just about every college kid who’s flown to Europe knows that when they land they’ll be able to get a beer without the fake ID they paid too much to acquire from their neighbor’s creepy older brother. But can those under-21 travelers drink during that flight? Depends on the airline.  [More]


You Can Get A Chicken Big Mac Without Assembling It Yourself — If You Live In Australia

The Big Mac-McChicken: A sandwich that looks like a Big Mac, but uses McChicken patties instead. McDonald’s customers have long been able to make the sandwich mashup on their own by ordering both sandwiches and stacking them together. But guests in Australia will no longer have to pay for two sandwiches when looking to cure their Chicken Big Mac craving. [More]

Slice of Chic

Kroger Recalls ‘Simple Truth’ Macadamia Nuts For Possible Listeria

If you have some Kroger Simple Truth store-brand macadamia nuts sitting around, check the package before chowing down. The nuts have been recalled over concerns about possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes [More]

The Whole Foods Coconut Mystery Solved

The Whole Foods Coconut Mystery Solved

It was a dark and stormy morning at Consumerist HQ, when we received a troubling missive: One of our readers was outraged to find that Whole Foods was charging $1 more for a coconut that comes with a straw than one without. We weren’t sure what we would find, but we knew we had to crack this case — one way or another. [More]

Hormel Worried People Will Confuse ‘Black Label’ Beggin’ Strips With Its Real Bacon

Hormel Worried People Will Confuse ‘Black Label’ Beggin’ Strips With Its Real Bacon

Hormel makes bacon for human consumption, while Nestlé Purina makes bacon — or Beggin’ Strips — for dogs. The bacon and Beggin’ worlds have generally played nice with each other, but then Purina came out with “Black Label” Beggin’ Strips, which hits too close to home for Hormel. [More]

Belgian King “Not Happy” With Burger King’s Effort To Unseat Him

Belgian King “Not Happy” With Burger King’s Effort To Unseat Him

Who is more deserving to be the Belgian monarch: A man who was — literally — born to do the job, or a fast food chain? However silly that question might sound, it’s one that the actual King of Belgium would rather Burger King didn’t ask. [More]

Josh Bassett

Chipotle Confirms Data Breach Hit “Most” Restaurant Locations

Chipotle recently made a vague disclosure to investors that its card-payment system had likely been breached by cybercriminals. Now the burrito chain is confirming that this attack affected most Chipotle stores — including its Pizzeria Locale restaurants — for nearly a month. [More]

4 Tips For Maintaining & Repairing Your Gas Grill

4 Tips For Maintaining & Repairing Your Gas Grill

Whether you’ve been using it all year or haven’t touched it in months, you should give your grill the once-over before the holiday weekend. Use these maintenance tips to help keep your grill in top shape or to spot problems that aren’t worth fixing. [More]


Underpaid & Overstressed: 4 Things Starbucks Baristas Say Is Wrong With The Company

Millions of people count on Starbucks baristas to provide them with a jolt of caffeine each day, but those employees might be the ones truly in need of a little help: Baristas around the country are spilling the coffee beans on their employer, claiming they are overworked and strained thanks in part to the chain’s endless stream of pilot programs and new services.  [More]

Check Grandma’s Freezer For Potentially Listeria-Contaminated Waffles

Check Grandma’s Freezer For Potentially Listeria-Contaminated Waffles

Thousands of pounds of frozen breakfasts specifically marketed to frail or housebound elderly people and delivered to them through meal programs have been recalled for potential Listeria contamination. People who are elderly or who are already sick are especially susceptible to potentially fatal complications of listeriosis. [More]

Amazon Finally Opens Its Grocery Pickup Stores To Public

Amazon Finally Opens Its Grocery Pickup Stores To Public

Amazon Prime customers in Seattle will now have another option for groceries: Two AmazonFresh pickup sites are open to the general public after an employees-only testing phase. [More]

Charlotte Observer

New Restaurant Hit With $300K Water Bill Before Doors Even Opened

Unless you have a blue whale hanging out in a tank in your backyard, it’s pretty difficult to use $300,000 worth of water. So imagine the surprise of two brothers whose new restaurant was slammed with a bill for $308,000 before it even served a single customer. [More]

Customer Accuses Chipotle Of Covering Up For Manager Who Put Spy Cam In Bathroom

Customer Accuses Chipotle Of Covering Up For Manager Who Put Spy Cam In Bathroom

A woman in Texas claims that not only did a manager at her local Chipotle repeatedly install spy cameras in the restaurant’s female restroom, but that the restaurant and its corporate office covered up the peeping; a charge the Chipotle HQ denies. [More]

Moose Watch Cafe

Bear Who Ripped Bumper Off Doughnut Delivery Car Is All Of Us

If you’ve ever felt so hungry and angry at the same time — otherwise known as “hangry” — that you will do just about anything to get your hands on something to eat, perhaps you can commiserate with a bear in Colorado that ripped the bumper off a doughnut delivery vehicle in his desperate hunt for a treat. [More]

Baby Box Company

Doctors, Safety Advocates Have Unanswered Questions About Popular ‘Baby Boxes’

Reducing the rate of infant mortality in the U.S. is an admirable cause, but some health and safety advocates say they aren’t yet convinced that placing your baby in a cardboard box to sleep is the right or safe way to achieve that goal. [More]

Danielle Scott

There’s A Reclusive Cheese Billionaire Who Built His Empire On Our Pizza Addiction

Every night, in my dreams, I’m Scrooge McDuck-ing in my own private vault, filled to the brim with not gold, but cheese, delicious cheese. This, I would like to imagine, is what the reclusive billionaire at the head of the world’s top pizza cheese company does with his free time. [More]