Tree nuts like walnuts can trigger life-threatening allergies, and they’re one of the food items that must be declared on the outside of the food package. Cases of KIND chocolate and nut bars had that declaration on each bar, but the company is now notifying customers that the exterior cartons lacked the declaration.
aw nuts

Diamond Macadamia Nuts Recalled For Possible Salmonella Contamination
Nuts are a delicious and filling snack and a tasty addition to a cookie, but they’re a lot less healthy when they come with a generous coating of Salmonella bacteria. That’s the case with macadamia nuts from Diamond, which have been recalled after routine testing turned up bacteria on a bag of nuts. [More]

Frito-Lay Recalls Rold Gold Pretzels Due To Possible Peanut Contamination In Flour
The same flour supplier problem that led to the recall of millions of Hostess snack cakes and prepared baked goods at Chick Fil-A, Cinnabon, and a number of supermarket chains has struck again. Flour that may be contaminated with traces of peanuts was used to make Rold Gold pretzels, normally a food that is not supposed to contain nuts. [More]

Macadamia Nuts From Target, HyVee, Western Family Recalled For Potential Salmonella Contamination
If you’ve bought raw macadamia nuts from a number of retailers across the country, it’s time to check your pantry: nuts sold at retailers including Target, HyVee, Pear’s Gourmet, and independent grocery stores that carry Western Family brands have been recalled because they may be contaminated with Salmonella bacteria. Why is it that raw dried nuts keep getting recalled for problems with that one pathogen, anyway? [More]

Whole Foods Recalls Macadamia Nuts In 6 States For Possible Salmonella Contamination
Hey you — Did you buy raw macadamia nuts from Whole Foods? Did you buy them in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, or Tennessee? If so, then you might want to check the label to see if they belong to the batch of nuts being recalled for potential Salmonella contamination. [More]

Unable To Get Nicotine Fix, Southwest Passenger Resorts To Throwing Peanuts & Pretzels At Flight Attendants
A passenger on board a Southwest Airlines flight from L.A. to Salt Lake City was arrested earlier this week after he allegedly hurled bags of snacks at flight attendants to express his frustration over being unable to inhale fumes from an electronic cigarette. [More]

DOT Lacks Power To Ban Peanuts From Flights
Just when it looked like all the crusaders who want to get peanuts banned from flights were inching closer to epic victory, along comes a federal law to crack their shells. [More]

The DOT Wants Your Opinion On Proposed In-Flight Peanut Ban
A couple weeks back we wrote about how the Dept. of Transportation was considering a possible ban on peanuts on airplanes and what resulted was easily one of the site’s more divisive debates. Now, as the DOT and FAA continue to mull over this plan — and consider other options — the regulators say they want to hear from you, the citizens of these United States of America. [More]

Should Peanuts Be Banned From Airplanes?
Among the new regulations under consideration by the FAA, there’s one that hasn’t gotten much press, but which we have a feeling might be something that will get at least a few travelers’ blood up — banning peanuts from airplanes. [More]

Street Vendor Loses Permit For NOT Urinating In Bottle
It’s a problem that’s common to men and women who drive trucks, make deliveries or work outdoors — When do you go to the bathroom? Well, a law recently passed in New York City gives street vendors an easy answer: Never. Just ask Mohammed Shirajul Islam, a 10-year veteran of the business who is now without a permit because he dared to answer nature’s call. [More]