Food & Personal Care

Tobacco Companies Required To Report Levels Of Dozens Of Chemicals

Tobacco Companies Required To Report Levels Of Dozens Of Chemicals

The Food & Drug Administration says there are more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco and tobacco smoke. And now the FDA says consumers have a right to know about the levels of 93 harmful or potentially harmful chemicals that are in the products they smoke and/or chew. [More]

Google's Helpful Self-Driving Car Brings Blind Passenger To Taco Bell

Google's Helpful Self-Driving Car Brings Blind Passenger To Taco Bell

If Google is handing out cars to take people to get chalupas, sign us up. While testing the company’s new self-driving vehicle, Google had the Toyota Prius navigate city streets to take its blind “driver” to Taco Bell, as seen in a video of the test. [More]

Living Like The Jetsons: Push A Button On Your Fridge, Instantly Order A Pizza

Living Like The Jetsons: Push A Button On Your Fridge, Instantly Order A Pizza

Ever since we saw the Jetsons not only forgo the boring task of showering and dressing themselves but also press a button and have food materialize in front of them, we’ve known that future had to happen someday. And now it seems we’re one step closer, as a pizza chain in Dubai has introduced a one-button ordering method, via fridge magnet. [More]

Court Orders FDA To Investigate Use Of Antibiotics In Animal Feed

Court Orders FDA To Investigate Use Of Antibiotics In Animal Feed

Back in 1977, the FDA proposed a ban on putting penicillin and other antibiotics in animal feed solely for the purpose of promoting growth. Amazingly, that proposal has been gathering dust long enough to begin losing its hair and regretting its life choices. That is until yesterday, when a federal court ordered the FDA to finish what it started 35 years ago. [More]

Strawberry Frappuccinos No Longer Vegan, Contain Ground-Up Bugs

Strawberry Frappuccinos No Longer Vegan, Contain Ground-Up Bugs

A few years ago, we happily passed on the news that a change in Starbucks Frappuccino flavors meant that you could get some flavors in a vegan formulation. But now, if you’re a Frappuccino lover who eschews eating animals, you’ll have to stay away from the strawberry variety from here out. The good news is that the newest base doesn’t contain artificial red food dye. The bad news is that’s because it’s been replaced with cochineal extract, a dye made from dried, ground-up insects. [More]

Starbucks Wants To Turn Your Dial To 11 With New Energy Drinks

Starbucks Wants To Turn Your Dial To 11 With New Energy Drinks

Just in case you’re not getting enough energy from Starbucks’ actual coffee or espresso drink, the company has a new offering in the pipeline to give customers the jolt they crave. In April, the omnipresent chain will introduce Refreshers at retail locations nationwide, as well as convenience and grocery stores. [More]

Walgreens Goes All Out In Effort To Convince You To Buy Sex Toys

Walgreens Goes All Out In Effort To Convince You To Buy Sex Toys

Not only does have a wide variety of “Sexual Wellness” products, from the usual lubrication and condoms all the way to vibrators and “Adult Toys for Men,” they’re really not holding back when it comes to the descriptions of each item, and why you’d be crazy not to buy them. [More]

Believe It Or Not, People Want More Oversight Of Implanted Medical Devices

Believe It Or Not, People Want More Oversight Of Implanted Medical Devices

It seems almost silly to think that anyone would want to scale back the amount of regulatory control on the safety of medical devices, and a new poll shows that an overwhelming number of Americans believe in strong oversight of these products. Yet members of the House and Senate are considering legislation that could allow potentially unsafe items to hit the market. [More]

Appeals Court Rules Graphic Cigarette Labels Don't Violate Free Speech

Appeals Court Rules Graphic Cigarette Labels Don't Violate Free Speech

The latest battle over those graphic anti-smoking labels on cigarette packaging has been won by the FDA, after a federal appeals court ruled yesterday that requiring the warnings does not violate tobacco companies’ First Amendment right to free speech. [More]

Wendy's Unseats The Burger King In Fast Food Rankings

Wendy's Unseats The Burger King In Fast Food Rankings

Both Burger King and Wendy’s have been attempting to revamp their look and their menus in recent years, but it looks like whatever Wendy’s is doing is working slightly better as the fast food company edged out Burger King to become the second-largest burger chain — and the #3 overall fast food joint — in the country. [More]

Starbucks Expands Its Horizons With New Evolution Fresh Juice Store

Starbucks Expands Its Horizons With New Evolution Fresh Juice Store

Starbucks has made a name for itself, to say the least, with all things coffee, so now it seems they’ve decided to move beyond their bread and butter (or scones and coffee, as it were) and have opened their first Evolution Fresh Inc. juice store today. [More]

Heroic Walgreens Clerk Puts Out Beef Jerky Fire With The Power Of Breath

Heroic Walgreens Clerk Puts Out Beef Jerky Fire With The Power Of Breath

Who would want to burn beef jerky? Sure, it’s dry, but it’s not the best tinder and besides, it’s delicious and arson is bad. A clerk at Walgreens recently saved the store from a fire when he discovered burning bags of beef and put out the fire. [More]

It's Time To Get Your HFCS-Free Kosher-For-Passover Coke & Pepsi!

It's Time To Get Your HFCS-Free Kosher-For-Passover Coke & Pepsi!

The Jewish holiday of Passover is coming up, which means that Coca-Cola and Pepsi put out special versions of their signature beverages that contain regular old sugar and not high fructose corn syrup. [More]

Daylight Savings Time Ignorance Plus Burrito Rage Equals Spelling Fun At Taco Bell

Daylight Savings Time Ignorance Plus Burrito Rage Equals Spelling Fun At Taco Bell

We know how it goes — it’s 2 a.m., the bar has pushed you out the door and the first thing your mind turns to is where to pick up a little late-night satisfaction. In the form of fast food Mexican, of course. Woe betide the Taco Bell aficionado yearning for a “boreto” who is ignorant not only of how to spell burrito, but of the customs of Daylight Savings Time, then. [More]

Pepsi No Longer "Choice Of A New Generation," But Malt-O-Meal Is

Pepsi No Longer "Choice Of A New Generation," But Malt-O-Meal Is

For those of us who came of age glued to a TV in the ’80s, we knew that Pepsi was the “choice of new generation,” if only because commercial after commercial featuring superstars like Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie told us it was. But that distinction now belongs to the folks behind Malt-O-Meal, who snapped up the trademark after Pepsi let it lapse. [More]

Doritos Shells Arrive At Taco Bell Restaurants Nationwide Tonight At Midnight

Doritos Shells Arrive At Taco Bell Restaurants Nationwide Tonight At Midnight

UPDATE: After further review of when this news was posted and reviewing taco calendars, we realize that the Doritos tacos are actually ALREADY ON SALE. Forgive the confusion, and commence freaking out. [More]

Pizza Hut Drivers Turn Into Super-Cops, Follow Robbers To Hideout

Pizza Hut Drivers Turn Into Super-Cops, Follow Robbers To Hideout

If you’re standing outside a restaurant and see three gun-toting people in masks flee the building, what is your immediate response? For a pair of Pizza Hut drivers in Georgia, it was time to tail the suspects before they could get away. [More]

What Is "Pink Slime" And Why Is It In 70% Of Supermarket Ground Beef?

What Is "Pink Slime" And Why Is It In 70% Of Supermarket Ground Beef?

Earlier this year, McDonald’s made headlines when it said it would stop using ammonia-treated beef trimmings lovingly known as “pink slime” in its burgers. Now the former USDA scientist who coined the phrase is speaking out against the widespread use of the stuff — not because it’s unsafe, but because he feels like consumers are being deceived into paying for cheap filler. [More]