Data & Privacy

Congress Asks AT&T, Verizon, And Qwest About Warrantless Wiretapping

Congress Asks AT&T, Verizon, And Qwest About Warrantless Wiretapping

Qwest, Verizon, and AT&T have until October 12th to provide information on how the government went about asking for private customer records, and how the three companies provided the information. The Committee on Energy and Commerce opened an official investigation Tuesday. “If reports about the government surveillance program are accurate, Congress has a duty to inquire about whether such a program violates the Constitution, as well as consumer protection and privacy laws,” said committee chairman Rep. John Dingell.

Facebook Users Hijack Walmart's Dorm Decoration Page

Facebook Users Hijack Walmart's Dorm Decoration Page

According to Wired, Facebook users have hijacked Walmart’s dorm decoration discussion page, choosing instead to discuss the way Walmart “destroys communities and prevents unionization.” Oh, my!

Facebook's New Ad System Will Target Users Based On Personal Information From Profiles

Facebook's New Ad System Will Target Users Based On Personal Information From Profiles

Like to tell the world your business on Facebook? Get ready for some heavily targeted ads. According to the Wall Street Journal, Facebook is working on a system that will use all of your personal information to target its ads. Currently, Facebooks advertisers are only allowed to target ads based on age, gender and location. The new system will consider things like favorite activities and preferred music, without exposing the data to advertisers.

Should You Be Swapping Loyalty Cards?

Should You Be Swapping Loyalty Cards?

Consumerist reader Eyebrows McGee (probably not her real name) suggests a clever and subversive technique for sticking it to the Loyalty Program Man: swap your loyalty cards with other shoppers. The website is a one-stop destination for finding someone out there you can exchange with. But before you visit it, you should consider the consequences and risks.


Sample Letter For Disputing A Debt Collection Notice

If you’ve received a notice from a debt collector, but have reason to believe you don’t actually owe that debt (or owe a lot less than they say you owe), federal law gives you a brief opportunity to force the collector to demonstrate that you do indeed owe this debt, and to stop trying to collect on it until they have verified you are the one responsible, and that the money is still owed. [More]

Craigslist Blocks "ListPic" Tool For Viewing Craiglist Pictures

Craigslist Blocks "ListPic" Tool For Viewing Craiglist Pictures

ListPic, a tool that was like Google Image Search for Craigslist, has been blocked and people are freaking out. With good reason, too. ListPic made craigslist easy to navigate for those of us who like pictures better than words when we shop.

Walmart Worker Fired For Posting Joke On MySpace

Walmart Worker Fired For Posting Joke On MySpace

Watch out, kids. Don’t try to be funny on the internet or you’ll be fired by Walmart.

Wired Interview With Mark Klein, AT&T Spying Whistleblower

Wired Interview With Mark Klein, AT&T Spying Whistleblower

Wired has an informative, deeply terrifying, interview with Mark Klein the whistleblower who outed AT&T for spying for the NSA.

WN: How many people worked in or on that room?

Verizon Claims Disclosing Customer Records To The NSA Is "Free Speech"

Verizon Claims Disclosing Customer Records To The NSA Is "Free Speech"

“In fact, Verizon basically argues that the entire lawsuit is a giant SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) suit, and that the case is an attempt to deter the company from exercising its First Amendment right to turn over customer calling information to government security services.

Walmart Investigates Nuns As A Potential Threat

Walmart Investigates Nuns As A Potential Threat

A group of Benedictine nuns in Texas are shocked that Walmart considers them a threat and ordered a “threat assessment” from their crack security team. The nuns had filed a shareholder resolution that was critical to Walmart. “The Benedictine Sisters of Boerne, Texas have written a letter to Lee Scott, Wal-Mart’s chief executive, to say they were “deeply disappointed, appalled and shocked.”

Arkansas State Police Director Resigns To Go Work At Walmart

Arkansas State Police Director Resigns To Go Work At Walmart

The director of the Arkansas State Police, Colonel Steve Dozier, has resigned from his position, (with provides a salary of $98,400 a year), to join Walmart’s security force. According to WMC TV, Walmart spokesperson Sarah Clark says that Dozier will “oversee several elements of the company’s security program” and will report to Ken Senser, Wal-Mart’s senior vice president for global security, aviation and travel.”

Verizon Specifies How You're Allowed To Link To Its Site

Verizon Specifies How You're Allowed To Link To Its Site

Harry Maugans discovered that Verizon thinks it can stipulate how you link to their website.

Cingular Thinks It Can Sue You For Linking To Its Website

Cingular Thinks It Can Sue You For Linking To Its Website

Cingular thinks it can determine who gets to link to their website, according to this snippet from their terms of service agreement. Somehow their lawyers operate under this misconception that they’re in a position of being to grant, or revoke, the “right” to create a hypertextual link to their site. The likely intent is to try to set the stage so that then they could basically sue someone for linking to their website.

Walmart's Spying Operation Is Hiring!

Walmart's Spying Operation Is Hiring!

Former CIA or FBI intelligence expert? Want to train your eye on more… “innocent” suspects than you did during your days in law enforcement? Look no further than Walmart’s Global Security division, which is headed by former senior CIA and FBI senior officer Kenneth Senser and Army Special Operations veteran David Harrison.

New York City Comptroller Requests Investigation Into Walmart Spying Operation

New York City Comptroller Requests Investigation Into Walmart Spying Operation

In letters to both agencies, Comptroller William C. Thompson Jr., citing a recent article in The Wall Street Journal, said he was “particularly troubled by reports that Wal-Mart engaged in chilling and truly outrageous surveillance activities.”

Google Offers Free Directory Assistance, Adds To Your Permanent File

Google Voice Local Search has emerged from the Google Labs to provide free directory assistance. A call to 1-800-GOOG-411 connects you to a pleasant automated operator who asks for your city and state. From there, you can narrow your search by business or category. When Google finds your business, it offers to either connect you for free, or text the details to your phone. The service does not currently support ads.

Walmart Is Watching

Walmart Is Watching

The WSJ goes in depth today about Walmarts intense surveillance operation. According to the recently fired employee who intercepted calls and text messages from a New York Times reporter (and a few other Walmart employees) Walmart’s surveillance tactics include:

The Devil Is In The Fine Print

Viacom workers have to agree that Viacom owns anything they ever make in the “universe,” in, “perpetuity.” Use of the Yahoo! Toolbar expressly prohibits use of the technology to operate nuclear facilities.