Data & Privacy

Using Your Sprint Phone Is Enough To Cancel Your Cancellation

Uh oh. Another obstacle to hurtle over in trying to cancel your Sprint Account for hiking text message rates before their October 31st deadline. Reader Drew wrote us in, informing us that his cancellation was shot down:

PayPal Will Still Screw You, But Less Obtusely

PayPal Will Still Screw You, But Less Obtusely

Verizon “Unlimited” Wireless Stills Hates Porn

Seems like just about everyone wrote us over the weekend to tell us just how wide Verizon was stretching the starfish of all its Unlimited Wireless Broadband customers. So let’s give ’em a shout-out for thinking of us! Thanks, jpac, Travis, Jeff, Uncle Bob and Sarlac, to name only a few!

AOL Hates Hugs.

AOL Hates Hugs.

Although several hundred 14 year old boys lose their virginity to portly displaced man-children pretending to be women in AOL’s chat rooms every day, AOL has bigger fish to fry: the sleazy, nefarious hug. Or “((Hugs))” as it is known in AOL chat parlance, where ‘Hugs’ is replaced with the name of the recipient.

Unpaid Shills Sought to Promote SonyBMG Music

Sony’s searching for interns to push its artists online.

Chicago Seeks Mandatory Cameras for Bars

Chicago Seeks Mandatory Cameras for Bars

Chicago mayor Richard Daley has proposed a city ordinance that would require all bars open until 4 a.m. to install closed-circuit security cameras to monitor the comings and goings of patrons. The proposal includes measures that would eventually require all businesses open longer than 12 hours a day to do the same—all this, we should note, at their own expense. Never mind that the businesses already pay taxes to support a police force that, if these cameras are necessary, aren’t effective enough.