Kentucky City Allowing Motorists To Pay Parking Tickets With Canned Food For A Month

The campaign is part of the city parking authority’s annual food drive, reports WKYT. LexPark tried the donation program last year for the first time, letting residents pay off parking meter tickets with food.
The “Food for Fines” program brought in more than 6,200 cans for more than 600 meter citations last year. This time around, the city is will also accept cans for other citations as well.
“We hope by opening the program up to all types of citations, we’ll see those numbers increase this season,” said Parking Authority Executive Director Gary Means.
From Nov. 16 through Dec. 18, motorists who donate 10 canned food items will get a $15 credit per citation. Past-due parking citations will also be eligible for the program.
LexPark suggests bringing large cans of vegetables and proteins, and won’t accept any out-of-date, damaged or open canned goods. All donations will be given to a local food bank.
LexPark launches annual food drive, allowing motorists to pay tickets with canned food [WKYT]
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