Awesome Or Annoying?: IT Help Desk Human Answering The Phone Like A Robot

This is a robot phone, not to be confused with a robot answering a phone. (alexkerhead)
A city administrative judge ruled this month that a worker who’d been disciplined in the past for answering the IT help-desk phone in a robot voice should be suspended again for 30 days, after he disregarded his supervisors’ orders to greet callers like a normal human, reports DNAInfo (h/t Jezebel).
To be fair, he only does the android impression in the beginning of the call, before transitioning to a normal human speaking voice for the remainder of the call.
The Health Department still has to approve the disciplinary recommendation from Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Judge Ingrid Addison.
But we want to know — is this just one man’s way of dealing with the daily rigors of life answering help desk phone calls, and therefore somewhat awesome? Or is it just really annoying? Vote in our poll below.
City Worker Fined for Talking in Robot Voice Does it Again [DNAInfo]
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