Guy Gets Locked In L.A. Fitness When It Closes For The Night… At 5 P.M.

A Florida man posted a video on Facebook and YouTube (h/t Mashable) about his ordeal, where he came out of the sauna and found the lights off, the doors locked and no one inside the gym. It had apparently closed at 5 p.m.
“No one even checked the bathrooms to see if someone was in there,” he says. “I didn’t know it closes this early — what L.A. Fitness closes at 5 o’clock?”
He wrote on Facebook that he first called his mother, who wouldn’t stop laughing, so he hung up and called another L.A. Fitness. Workers there confirmed with management that he could simply walk out the exit without triggering an alarm, sparing him from a restless night trying to sleep on one of those oversized exercise balls.
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