Americans Less Annoyed With Facebook Than Last Year, Still Dislike LinkedIn

Cats’ satisfaction ratings for Facebook were not evaluated. (Bob Avery)
The big news story from this year’s results is the improvement of Facebook: they zoomed from a below-average to an above-average satisfaction score since last year. In 2014, Facebook and LinkedIn tied for the lowest score in the sector.
What accounts for the huge improvement–almost 12 points on a scale of 0 to 100–that Facebook has undergone in the last year? Mobile. Even your grandma is using Facebook from her iPad now when she clicks “like” on every single thing that you post to the social network, and customers seem to prefer the mobile experience.
LinkedIn, meanwhile, is still at the bottom of the pack. It’s probably not a coincidence that the company announced today, the same day that the ratings came out, that they’re going to dial back the amount of e-mail that they send to customers.
Paced by Facebook, Customer Satisfaction Up for Social-Media Sites [Wall Street Journal]
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