When you see the word “compostable” on a product label, do you imagine tossing it in your backyard compost pile and calling it a day? It was easy to read the packaging for Kauai coffee pods meant for use in Keurig single-serving brewers that way, but they could only be composted in a few industrial facilities. Now an ad watchdog has recommended that the company make this distinction clearer to customers. [More]

Ad Watchdog: These ‘100% Compostable’ Coffee Pods Don’t Go In Your Backyard Compost Pile

Dunkin’ Donuts Shareholders Want Company To Look Into K-Cup Waste
Dunkin’ Donuts has a partnership with Keurig Green Mountain to package the chain’s coffee in plastic K-Cups for brewing in homes and offices. The company makes a lot of money from selling these pods, but some shareholders concerns about the amount of trash that results from K-Cups, and they want Dunkin’ to put some serious thought into this aspect of their business. [More]

Of Course You Can Buy Marijuana-Infused Coffee Pods On The West Coast
Because everyone knows that the best part of waking up is staying in your soft pants all day and eating cereal while watching Warner Herzog documentaries, the chilled out folks on the West Coast are pairing your morning cup of joe with marijuana to start the day. [More]

Dunkin’ Donuts’ K-Cups To Be Sold In Grocery Stores, Online Later This Year
Schlepping to the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts to pick up a case of the donut chain’s coffee in K-Cup format will soon be a thing of the past. In a response to growing competition, Dunkin’ announced a sales policy reversal of sorts by making single-coffee pods – which are currently only available at Dunkin’ restaurants – available for purchase at a variety of grocery stores, drug stores and warehouse stores, as well as online, later this year. [Reuters] [More]

Coffee Companies May Have Already Cracked DRM On Keurig 2.0
When we say that someone has cracked the DRM on something, usually it means a pirated song, game, book, or movie is about to make its way through the less-than-legal back channels of the internet. But this time, one company is announcing that they’ve cracked the DRM on another company’s coffee tech. [More]

Now In Nespresso News: Another Day, Another Single-Cup Brewing System Makes Its Debut
Sitting high atop the lofty Green Mountain — made entirely of coffee beans, natch — sits Old Man Keurig on his Green Mountain Coffee Roasters throne. He surveys his coffee kingdom with satisfaction, after all, it’s 3/4 of the single-serving brewer market. But what’s that, on the horizon? A challenger is riding in from Europe — Nespresso.

Campbell’s Soup Will Now Be Coming Out Of Keurig Coffee Machines
For all those mornings when you’re staring into your cup of coffee and sighing over the fact that it’s not, in fact, piping hot soup, well, okay, you’re odd. But also you’re in luck: Campbell’s Soup says it’s going to start offering K-cup soup packs for the Keurig single-serve coffee machines. This brings up the question of noodles for breakfast — and I think I’m onboard with that. [More]
Is $51/Lb. Worth The Convenience Of K-Cup Coffee?
We’re always reminding people how much more cost-effective it is to brew your own coffee at home instead of buying it at a coffee shop. But according to a new report, coffee drinkers who are hopping on the K-cup bandwagon are paying a premium for the convenience of only having to brew up a single serving. [More]