Passenger’s Lawsuit Blames American Airlines For Wife’s Death

He claims that when his wife started to experience respiratory distress and couldn’t breathe, he told the crew that she had a pre-existing lung condition, and they would need an ambulance to meet their plane, reports ABC News.
Instead, his suit says two crew members showed up at the plane with a wheel chair.
The husband also claims that although crew administered oxygen to his wife while she was in the midst of the episode, and she improved, she was forced to give the oxygen equipment back.
“While disembarking the aircraft and over [the plaintiff’s] objection, a member of the flight crew demanded that [she] give up the oxygen supplied earlier by the flight crew that had been keeping her alive,” the lawsuit said. According to the complaint, she died about 30 minutes afterward.
The airline declined to comment to ABC News.
American Airlines Named in Lawsuit After Passenger Dies [ABC News]
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