An American Airlines passenger says that he suffered “chronic traumatic brain injury” after allegedly being struck in the head by a runaway beverage cart. Making matters worse, claims the traveler, the cabin crew was not prepared to deal with the situation. [More]
on the loose

Police: Would-Be Macy’s Thief Pepper Sprayed, Bit Worker So Accomplice Could Get Away
Sure, Consumerist has covered many a story of a thief who tries to get away from store employees by biting into arms and occasionally chomping off the odd finger. We’ve also heard several tales of would-be thieves and bad customers using pepper spray to get their way. But an alleged shoplifting duo recently combined the two tactics while attempting to steal from a Pennsylvania Macy’s. [More]

Man Arrested For Calling Police About Imaginary Escaped Mountain Lion
The call to police in Aiken, South Carolina seemed wacky but plausible: a man who worked at a pet store called to report a burglary. He said that a 100-pound mountain lion worth $35,000 was missing from the store, and had either been stolen during a burglary or had taken advantage of the opportunity to escape. Turns out there was no missing mountain lion. There was no mountain lion at all. [More]