Prank Or Honest Mistake? Jimmy John’s Renames Customer “Blumpkin”

(Twitter: @jlump_PGA)
That’s the question before Jimmy John’s customer John Lumpkin, who wasn’t terribly thrilled to see that his last name had transformed into “Blumpkin” when written on his sandwich wrapper.
Thing is, “Blumpkin” isn’t only a misspelling of Lumpkin. It’s also a slang term so profane that we can’t even begin to describe it here. Anyone unfamiliar with the term is free to look it up, but you probably shouldn’t.
When John brought it to the attention of Jimmy John’s he eventually got a response from the company claiming it was an honest mistake and that the manager of the store had been spoken with.
However, he tells Consumerist he’s having a hard time believing that someone accidentally added a B to his name.
According to John, this wasn’t a case of him walking into a Jimmy John’s and saying his last name to an employee who might have misunderstood it.
Instead, he claims his sandwich was part of a group order that was placed online with his name spelled correctly. So it couldn’t be an issue of mis-hearing. Someone would have had to look at the list, then get confused in the few seconds it took to write his last name on the wrapper.
We’ve written to Jimmy John’s for more information, but they have yet to respond to our request. So for now we’ll leave it in the hands of Consumerist readers to decide whether this is a mistake or a prank:
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