Study: 58% Of All American Adults Are On Facebook

Facebook remains the most popular social media site in the United States, according to the study by Pew Research Center, “Social Media Update 2014.”
As such, it’s become the baseline, a”one stop shop” for online interaction, Nicole Ellison, a professor of information science at the University of Michigan told USA Today. She helped design the Pew study. who’s been studying the social media site for the past decade.
“If you look at any line in the post office and see what people are doing on their phones, they’re frequently on Facebook,” she notes.
“Facebook has become kind of a daily practice for many people,” she said. “It’s the default social site.”
Though it seems like a big number, the percentage of people using Facebook hans’t actually gone up since 2013, but the amount of time they spend on it is: 70% of users visit the site daily (up from 63%) and 45% go several times a day.
Senior citizens are increasingly down with The Facebook these days too, Pew says.
“For the first time, more than half of all online adults 65 and older (56%) use Facebook. This represents 31% of all seniors,” the findings say.
I’ll give you one word to explain that: Grandkids.
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