Traveler Gets Luggage Back From Airport’s Lost & Found 20 Years After Plane Trip

That was the case for one Arizona woman who got a call this week that her luggage had been found — and not from a trip she took in August, but a bag she flew with 20 years ago, reports
The Tucson woman thought at first that the phone call from the Transportation Security Administration’s lost and found at Tucson International Airport was regarding that most recent trip, and was shocked to find that the bag that had been found had disappeared back in 1994 after a trade show in Las Vegas.
“Well it’s a handwritten note with my notes and address of 20 years ago,” she says of a piece of paper tucked into the bag filled with art supplies valued at about $600. “When I looked at this note, it was dated, it dated me as 20 years ago! And I was just absolutely blown away.”
As for why it took so long for her bag to find its way back to her? It’s a mystery.
“Items that pre date our agency are interesting. But I understand that we just did some shuffling of equipment at the airport, so it’s quite possible that we came across something that somebody left unattended for a long period of time,” a TSA spokesman explained, adding that he liked her use of plastic baggies before they even required for liquids.
And the baggage she lost in August has been returned to her recently as well, so she must have some really stellar karma points stacked up.
Lost luggage turns up after 20 years []
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