$40 Desk Bought At Auction Comes With $127K In Matured Bonds

(ABC 13)
The fellow who bought a secretary desk at an auction in Massachusetts thought he was losing $40 in the transaction and gaining only a piece of furniture, reports ABC 13, but instead, he wound up with $127,000 in matured bonds as well.
During the hunt to find a missing knob for the desk, the man discovered an envelope filled with bonds, which he decided to try to return to whoever owned the desk.
As it turns out, a family selling off furniture to help care for their aging father, who was headed to an assisted living facility, was very grateful to hear of the unexpected windfall. The auction house owner explained that they’d been looking for those bonds for years.
“It was a great find,” said the desk’s new owner, who said he’s happy the family got the bands back. “It was even better after hearing the story of the family.”
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