Firefox Breaks Up With Google, Makes Yahoo The Browser’s Default Search Engine

The new couple struck a deal that Yahoo Chief Executive Marissa Mayer says will give the company a boost in the search market arena, reports Reuters.
The switchover will start in December, with the deal lasting five years at this point. No financial terms were revealed other than the fact that it is a revenue sharing agreement that contains certain “guarantees.”
“It’s one of the largest independently-directed search share opportunities available in the market,” Mayer said.
This means Yahoo search will be part of both the desktop PC version of Firefox as well as on mobile devices — when you type terms into the empty box at the top of the browser, results will be shown from Yahoo.
Right now, Yahoo’s piece of the search market pie in the U.S. is only about 10%, according to research firm comScore. Microsoft has 20%, while Google has a hold on 67% of the market. I”m going to guess Ask Jeeves has the other 3%, but that’s just a guess.
Yahoo usurps Google in Firefox search deal [Reuters]
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