Last year, Yahoo revealed that some 1.5 billion accounts — representing about 1 billion users — had been compromised by a data breach going back years. Now that Yahoo’s new parent company Verizon has had a chance to investigate it turns out that the number of accounts compromised by the hack was… well, every single one of them. [More]

Verizon Unable To Shake Off Lawsuits Over Yahoo Data Breach
There’s some bad legal news for Verizon, new owner of the internet services and content portions of Yahoo. A federal judge in San Jose denied Verizon’s motion to dismiss lawsuits from Yahoo users whose accounts were part of a series of breaches that affected an unprecedented number of users. [More]

Former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Says She Can’t Wait To Use Gmail Again
Marissa Mayer was one of Google’s earliest employees, and worked there for 13 years before she was hired to be Yahoo’s final CEO. Now that the sale of Yahoo’s internet operations to Verizon has closed, Mayer is out of a job. It’s not all bad, though. Leaving Yahoo means that she can use Gmail again. [More]

Verizon Could Launch New Streaming Video This Summer
Verizon’s rumored over-the-top streaming TV service — not to be confused with its nearly universally panned two-year-old Go90 product — could be available as soon as next month, executives for the company reportedly revealed Monday. [More]

Yahoo Claims Its Brand Will Still Exist, Will Operate Under ‘Oath’ Division
Apparently the Yahoo brand isn’t going away as part of the Verizon merger. Rather, the brand will operate as a part of the new “Oath” division. [More]

UPDATED: Yahoo, AOL Brands To Be Part Of Verizon’s New ‘Oath’ Thing

Why Are So Many Tech & Telecom Companies Bad At Respecting Your Privacy?
The 21st century world is all about data: who has it, how they use it, when they share it, and how much they make from selling it. Despite the proliferation of terms of service and privacy policies, the companies responsible for handling our data are largely doing a poor job of telling us what they do with it. [More]

DOJ: Russian Intelligence Officers Hired Hackers To Attack Yahoo’s Network
Back in September, Yahoo confirmed a massive data breach that affected at least 500 million users that dated back to 2014. At the time, the company said it suspected a “state-sponsored” actor did it. The U.S. Justice Department has now brought charges against two Russian intelligence agents, as well as two accused co-conspirators, in connection to the hack attack. [More]

Yahoo’s New Text Bot Will Annoy Your Family For You
Need to remind your husband that you have wine night with the girls tonight, but don’t have time to text him? Yahoo’s new text message bot does. [More]

Verizon Revises Deal To Buy Yahoo At $350M Discount
If you found out after you got engaged that your soon-to-be better half had done something that made you question the impending union, what would you do — Cancel the wedding? Move the reception from the country club to your cousin’s backyard? If you’re Verizon and your betrothed is the data-breached Yahoo, you ask for a $350 million discount. [More]

Yahoo Warns Users Their Email Accounts May Have Been Hacked – Yes, Again
On the same day as a report that says Verizon is renegotiating its offer to buy Yahoo at a $250 million discount, the internet company — for the third time in less than six months — is warning users that there’s potential their email accounts may have been hacked. [More]

Report: Verizon Still Plans To Buy Yahoo, Seeking $250M Discount
Verizon isn’t calling off its plan to buy Yahoo but, in a move that shocks no one, is cutting some cash off its offer price after massive data breaches and resulting attention from lawmakers. [More]

Senators Give Yahoo 10 Days To Answer For Massive Breaches
Verizon’s $4.8 billion acquisition of Yahoo might still be going forward as planned, but that doesn’t mean the latter company is exempt from answering some tough questions about its massive data breaches: Lawmakers have given Yahoo until Feb. 23 to answer for the company’s actions related to the hacks. [More]

Verizon Acquisition Of Yahoo Still Going Ahead As Planned
Since the announcement of data breaches consisting of 1.5 billion Yahoo accounts, Yahoo-watchers have had one question: what’s going to happen to the former internet titan’s agreement to sell its internet operations to Verizon for a mere $4.8 billion? In its quarterly and annual earnings report today, Yahoo announced that the deal is still on. It’s just taking a while. [More]

Did Yahoo Wait Too Long To Disclose Massive 2014 Data Breach? SEC Investigating
Yahoo, the online company that hosted your email in 2001, was the victim of two huge account breaches in 2013 and 2014, but didn’t tell customers or investors until last year. Now the Securities and Exchange Commission is one of the government entities investigating the breach, to find out whether Yahoo kept the info from its investors for too long. [More]

Yahoo To Kick CEO Off Board, Rename Company To Altaba — If Verizon Deal Goes Through
After losing 1.5 billion customer records in two different hacks, what can you possibly pull off for a third act? That’s what Yahoo is wondering right about now. Its answer? Throw the CEO off the board, change names post-haste, and hope that sweet Verizon acquisition is still on track. [More]

Verizon Executive: Company Still Doesn’t Know If It’ll Go Through With Yahoo Deal
It’s been a few months of “will-they-won’t-they?” with everyone (okay, some people) wondering whether or not Verizon will go through with the $4.8 billion deal to buy Yahoo after not one, but two massive email breaches. Now, a Verizon executive is admitting that the company isn’t sure what’s going to happen. [More]

Will Massive Data Breaches Lead Verizon To Dump Yahoo?
While Yahoo has been grabbing headlines lately for its most recent data breach — one that affected more than one billion users — what about that other big story involving Yahoo, the one where Verizon Communications was preparing to buy the company’s internet business? [More]