Company Apologizes For Including Penis-Shaped Gummies In Candy Marketed To Kids

No penises here. Just gummy. (EEPaul)
The confectionary company tells Stuff that it imported five pallets of mixed gummy packs from a Chinese manufacturer about six weeks ago, and had no idea that there were penises tossed into that mix.
A few weeks later, the complaints started rolling in when parents sent in bags with proof of the offending “lollies.”
“When first someone told us we thought they were joking, it can’t be right,” the managing director of sales explained. But the proof was in the bags — one out of every 20 or 30 had one or two gummy penises included, he said.
The company has dumped all remaining bags with the penis gummies and is now apologizing, and offering free lollipops to customers as compensation.
“We’ve done everything that could possibly have been done … these things happen,” he explained.
Exactly. When a mommy gummy loves a daddy gummy, they get together and… well, I don’t need to explain this to you, do I?
Penis-shaped gummies shock NZ lolly lovers [Stuff]
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