Bar Worker Returns $200 She Stole From Bar Owners She Worked For 15 Years Ago

(ABC News)
Along with a check for the money, the worker sent a letter to the former owners of a sports bar in Nebraska. The couple no longer owns the business, but were still stunned to find such an honest ex-thief.
The letter asked for forgiveness, explaining that she thinks that she worked at the bar in 1999 or 2000, reports ABC News.
“Not only was I flaky employee, I also stole from the drawer when I worked,” she wrote. “I want to make sure you know I was appreciative of the job and that I regretted stealing from you. Please accept this check for what I estimate to be how much I stole. I hope you are both well.”
When ABC News tracked down the worker, who asked to remain anonymous, she said she returned the money because it was wrong, and that she regrets it.
“I was young and I was dishonest. I only worked at the bar for a month or two on the weekends. I wasn’t a very good bartender,” she said. “If I can speak with them again, I would tell them how much I appreciated the job. I have my life back on the right track now, and I regret everything I did.”
The owners say they knew other workers stole from them, and that drinks were poured for free as well, but it’s shocking that someone would pay them back now.
“My husband couldn’t believe this,” the woman said. “It was just such a rare circumstance. Especially for her to do that after 15 years.”
She notes that while she and her husband don’t remember this particular worker, it was “courageous” for her to admit her mistake and to send money to make up for it.
Woman Says She Returned $200 Stolen 15 Years Ago Because ‘I Regret It’ [ABC News]
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