making amends


TSA Reaches Out To Woman Who Said Son Endured “Horrifying” Pat-Down

Earlier this week, a Texas woman posted a video on Facebook claiming that the physical security check she requested for her special needs son crossed the line. Now, the woman says she’s been contacted by the Transportation Security Administration and will work with the agency to create a system that is more appropriate for children and people with medical challenges.  [More]

(ABC News)

Bar Worker Returns $200 She Stole From Bar Owners She Worked For 15 Years Ago

While it’s always better to not do bad things in the first place, there’s always the “better late than never” approach to making up for past misdeeds. Like a bar worker who sent her former employers $200 to compensate for money she’d swiped from the business 15 years ago, complete with an apology note saying she regrets doing it. [More]