‘Employee Of The Year’ Postal Inspector Charged With Stealing Passports, Pills, Playboys From Packages

Unlike previous postal pilferers that we’ve featured on the site who did their thieving in secret, this 52-year-old was apparently making little effort to cover his alleged theft.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, he directed his employees at a San Jose, CA, processing and distribution center to alert him whenever things like collectibles, cash, drugs, electronics, jewelry, rare coins, precious metals and other memorabilia were found loose in the mail.
The employees were led to believe that these items would be returned to the proper parties, but as you’ve probably guessed, authorities say the inspector was keeping them for himself. He would either take the items home or stash them in caches around the distribution center.
Authorities say he attempted to discover all the locations of security cameras in the center so that he could steal these items without leaving a video record of his crimes, but investigators were still able to find images of what they claim is the inspector stealing mail since 2013.
But just a year earlier, the San Francisco Bay Area Federal Executive Board, which coordinates federal agencies in the region, recognized the inspector for his “responsiveness in dealing with the media on issues involving criminal and hazardous situations,” and named him a Federal Employee of the Year.
Now he faces federal charges of delaying and destroying mail, theft of mail and possession of stolen mail.
Here are some previous stories about sticky-fingered folks at the USPS:
Postal Carrier Accused Of Stealing 20,000 Pieces Of Mail, Collecting Credit Cards And Stacks Of DVDs
Mail Carrier In Big Trouble Because Stealing Checks Sent To Charities Is Definitely Illegal
Postal Worker Accused Of Stealing Meds From War Vets, Selling To Others On Her Route
Postal Employee Caught With 10 Years Of Stolen Bulk Mail Wants To Keep Job
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