Adults Set Bad Example, Punch Cop In The Face During Chuck E. Cheese Brawl

In this case, the Chuck E. Cheese was the one in the suburbs of Utica, New York. At least only two guests were involved, this time. The brawlers were a 24-year-old man and a 46-year-old man. Both were charged with disorderly conduct. The younger man punched a police officer in the face and resisted arrest, and was also charged with second-degree harassment, resisting arrest, and second-degree obstructing governmental administration. He was taken to the county jail.
We don’t know whether the men knew each other before their encounter at the restaurant, or why they were fighting. Police didn’t specify whether either or both of the two men were the fathers of kids who were partying at the time. Past mass brawls have occurred at other Chuck E. Cheese’s establishments usually involve prize tickets, an important form of currency.
Two charged following fight at Chuck E. Cheese’s [Observer-Dispatch]
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