Returning Stuff You Didn’t Buy From Kohl’s For Cash Won’t Go Over Well

See, the thing about retail stores is there’s usually some kind of record of its inventory, you know, the products it sells. Which is why employees eventually realized that a man who’d returned six pairs of sunglasses with Kohl’s price tags on them for $109 in cash wasn’t on the up and up — those glasses weren’t even sold at Kohl’s, reports KMOV.
Turns out the suspect allegedly bought six pairs of sunglasses at the Kohl’s store, then police say he went back to his car, took the price tags from those glasses and stuck them on five pairs he already owned.
He’s then accused of going back inside and returning the glasses that he hadn’t purchased there and getting the money. It was only a matter of time before employees realized “Hey, these aren’t our glasses,” and called the police.
It seems the suspect is still out there, perhaps returning more sunglasses he doesn’t own for more cash that’s not his. Be on the lookout.
Clever thief sought after scamming Arnold Kohl’s store []
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