Local Official Admits Stealing 1.8M Quarters By The Fistful From Parking Meter Coin Storage

When you sacrifice up your hard-earned quarters in order to secure a parking spot, it might be annoying, but at least that money ostensibly goes toward bettering your community via the local government. Which is why it’s totally uncool for a town official to loot the parking meter coin storage like it’s his own personal piggybank.
The former public works inspector for a New Jersey village admitted this week that he carted out 1.8 million quarters — totaling about $460,000 — from the municipality’s coin-collection room, where the money from parking meters is stored.
His scheme involved hauling out 11.25 tons of coins by the fistful over a period of 25 months, before he was arrested. Each time he’d visit a different bank branch and use coin machines to keep his cover, authorities told The Record.
He won’t do any time in jail for his crime, however — he’ll just have to pay it all back.
As for why he was motivated to plunder the town piggy bank, his lawyer said his client just couldn’t resist the tantalizing prospect all those coins presented. Just sitting there, being worth money, all alone in a big room… tempting. Oh but wait, IT’S NOT YOURS TO TAKE. So there’s that.
Ex-Ridgewood inspector admits to stealing $460,000 in quarters from village [The Record]
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