When inspiration strikes, it might not come from some magical, creative place deep down inside a person. Sometimes it’s tied to an idea that already exists, albeit in a fictional universe. Life has a way of imitating art, especially when there’s money to be made, so it’s not surprising that some products and companies beloved in movies, TV, literature, and other places would eventually cross over into real life. [More]
life imitating art

Theater Producer Accused Of Scamming Investors Out Of $165K For Fake Broadway Play
It sounds like something out of a Broadway musical: a producer approaches investors, hyping a fantastic, inspirational show about a famous opera singer, starring a famous actress. Only this was real life, with a real person accused of scamming seven people out of $165,000. [More]

Would-Be Macy’s Burglar Pulls Ploy From ‘Home Alone 2’ Handbook
The things that work in the movies, don’t always – or almost never – result in the same outcome in real life. Just ask a would-be thief in Oregon who tried to pull a Home Alone 2 ploy to rob a local department store. [More]