HTC To Now Replace Some Shattered Phone Screens For Free

It’s too late for this poor HTC Pure, but new HTC One, HTC One mini and HTC One max devices will include one-time free screen replacement with HTC Advantage. (Ninja M.)
As part of its updated HTC Advantage warranty plan, the manufacturer will cover screen breakage on new HTC One, HTC One mini, or HTC One max devices.
Unfortunately for those of you reading this story through the cracks of your current HTC One, the plan only covers devices bought starting today, Feb. 18, and afterward.
HTC Advantage, which also guarantees that each new device will continue to receive timely Android updates for two years after its U.S. launch, doesn’t cost anything to the customer, but it’s also something some HTC owners don’t know about because the carrier they bought their phones from didn’t exactly make a big deal about it.
As The Verge’s Chris Welch wisely points out:
“The big question is whether carriers will bother informing shoppers about this new initiative. Their existing insurance plans are a proven and lucrative source of revenue, and HTC’s newfound generosity may give customers pause in shelling out an extra monthly fee to Verizon, AT&T, or another wireless provider.”
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