On Second Thought, Advertising Your House For Sale As “Slightly Haunted” Might Backfire

This ghost is unaffiliated with the house in question. Probably. (poopoorama)
Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? And do you need a new house because there’s one for sale that could be right up your alley. The owners of a Pennsylvania home advertised as “slightly haunted” thought it would be funny to mention that little detail in their for-sale ads, but despite a lot of attention from ghosthunters and thrill-seekers, the house is no closer to selling than before.
It might be even tougher to unload the property now that the word is out, explains the Associated Press. The couple has experienced banging doors, weird noises in the basement and the feeling that somebody is right… behind… them.
But they thought it’d be funny to highlight that fact about the 113-year-old Victorian — something homeowners are required to inform buyers about by law in neighboring New York state — and went ahead with the ad.
“Slightly haunted. Nothing serious, though,” reads the listing, adding fun details like screams at 3:313 a.m. and “the occasional ghastly visage” in the bathroom mirror.
Cue swarms of ghost hunters and curiosity seekers who stopped by during an open house, without a hint of a serious buyer.
And then there was the guy who used to live there, who got in touch and told the couple that he found a human skull in the basement when he was a child. The wife says she barricaded that same basement door shut once because she claimed she heard the clicking of a cigarette lighter down below.
“I tried to word it with a little bit of a sense of humor,” the husband explains, but “I don’t think it has helped with marketing. We’re not really getting very many interested buyers. We’re getting a lot of nonsense people.”
If the home fails to sell in the coming months, the couple says they might think about renting it out at night for those looking to come in contact with the other realm. Again, paging Scooby Doo. Sounds like these homeowners need a proper investigation to reveal the ghost as simply Old Man Jenkins in a creepy mask.
Pennsylvania Couple Advertises House As ‘Slightly Haunted’ [Associated Press]
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