If you’re in the market for a new home, you could surely find something for $250,000 — heck, why settle for looking for a house when you could just buy an entire ghost town? An abandoned South Dakota town that was on the market for $400,000 back in 2014 is still up for grabs, and now at a bargain price. [More]
home sweet home

New York Homeowners Evicting 1 Million Bees Living In Their House
A house with 40,000 bees? Sure, that sounds crazy. But homeowners in New York have that story beat, after finding an estimated one million bees buzzing around in the siding of their home. [More]

For Sale: Count Dracula’s Transylvanian Castle (Vampires Not Included)
Are all the kids still into vampires these days? Because forget those sparkly bloodsuckers or the ones gobbling up synthetic blood — the home of the original famous vampire, Dracula himself, is up for sale. [More]

Study: Same-Sex Couples Face Bias When Seeking Info On Housing Rentals
A brand new study, the first of its kind, from the Department of Housing and Urban development found that same-sex couples aren’t getting quite a fair shake compared to heterosexual couples looking for info about rental housing advertised on the Internet. Which means that gay and lesbian couples aren’t hearing back as often to e-mail inquiries about renting an apartment. What’s more, gay couples face slightly more discrimination than lesbian couples. [More]

The 10 Best Towns In America That Also Have Affordable Homes
Once again, the folks at Money magazine have scoured the map of these fifty, nifty United States (from 13 original colonies) and, factoring in everything from jobs to schools to weather to stuff-to-do, come up with their list of the 100 Best Places To Live. But which of these towns have homes you can afford to buy? [More]

What Do I Need To Pay When I Break My Lease Four Months Early?
Shannon in Alabama recently got engaged, and she’ll be moving into the house her fiancé owns after the wedding in December. The problem is her current place, which she just leased in April. She wrote to Consumerist for help figuring out what to do, since her landlord doesn’t seem too clear on the procedures, either. [More]

Homeowners Making $2.6B Per Month Living In Foreclosed Homes
Here’s one way to make the mortgage mess work for you: According to The Wall Street Journal, the slowdown in foreclosures due to questions about paperwork, note-holders and robo-signers has allowed some homeowners to live mortgage-free for several months; some are even renting out their homes. The Journal estimates that the “stealth stimulus” gives these homeowners a “subsidy” of about $2.6 billion a month. [More]