Back in the ’80s, Coca-Cola’s Hi-C brand agreed to develop a citrus-flavored drink to promote the cartoon series The Real Ghostbusters. The drink was a green-colored citrus-flavored sugar concoction called Ecto Cooler. Now, it appears that Ecto Cooler is returning to shelves to promote the new Ghostbusters movie. [More]
who you gonna call?

FCC Launches New, User-Friendly Help And Complaints Site For Consumers
Despite being the go-to agency for internet issues, the FCC’s website has not exactly got a reputation for user-friendliness. Quite the opposite, in fact. But this week the commission behind the broadband is hoping to change all that with a major site revamp that makes it easier for consumers where to go when they need help. [More]

Store Calls In Ghost Hunters After Video Captures Glass Dish Flying Off The Counter All By Itself
I don’t know if I believe in ghosts, never having seen* one myself, but I do know who to call if one’s around. And because the Ghostbusters only exist in fiction, sadly, a store in New Hampshire that caught a strange incident on surveillance video had to go the second-best route and call the ghost hunters. [More]

On Second Thought, Advertising Your House For Sale As “Slightly Haunted” Might Backfire
Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? And do you need a new house because there’s one for sale that could be right up your alley. The owners of a Pennsylvania home advertised as “slightly haunted” thought it would be funny to mention that little detail in their for-sale ads, but despite a lot of attention from ghosthunters and thrill-seekers, the house is no closer to selling than before. [More]

Gustbuster Umbrella Works As Promised, Withstands High Winds
If you’re standing outdoors in winds over 50 miles per hour, you may have bigger problems than a broken umbrella. In case it happens, though, don’t you want the strongest possible rain protection? You can find the Gustbuster online and in an awful lot of golf stores, but is that any kind of endorsement? Lab coats flapping in the breeze, our sibling publication Consumer Reports decided to test the Gustbuster’s claims. [More]

Haunted House Or Dead Rodents? 5 Tips From Consumer Reports
Do your appliances and lights randomly turn on and off? Are doors all over your home opening and closing by themselves? Do you hear ghostly footsteps in the attic? If so, your house may be haunted — or you could just have dead rodents, really bad appliances, and low relative humidity. Consumer Reports goes Ghostbusters to help you get Gozer out of your garage. [More]