Sonic Is Really, Really Sorry About That “Scalp The Redskins/Feed Them Whiskey” Sign

(Photo: Twitter user @DelSchilling)
“‘KC CHIEFS’ WILL SCALP THE REDSKINS FEED THEM WHISKEY SEND – 2 – RESERVATION,” read the sign outside the Sonic in Belton, MO, referencing yesterday’s game between the Chiefs and the Redskins.
After a passerby snapped the above photo and posted it to Twitter, the story took off, with people calling for the sign to be removed and for Sonic to issue an apology.
“The remarks posted on this message board were wrong, offensive and unacceptable,” a rep for Sonic HQ tells NBC News. “In a misguided effort to support his football team an independent franchise owner allowed passion to override good judgment. The owner has reinforced with his employees the boundaries of what is acceptable and unacceptable. On behalf of the franchise owner and our entire brand we apologize for the offensive remarks.”
The rep says that there is an employee at this particular Sonic who has previously had a knack for posting funny message on the sign, but that this was an instance in which his humor apparently crossed the line. He also claims the sign was only posted for “a matter of hours.”
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