Surprise: Attendance At Six Flags Over Texas Down After Woman Killed On Roller Coaster

Six Flags chief executive Jim Reid-Anderson shared this news about the Dallas-area park during a conference call with stock analysts to discuss the company’s third-quarter performance. Six Flags now claims that attendance is showing “very steady improvement” at the park where the accident occurred.
The company has spent $3 million in legal fees and retainers so far related to the Texas Giant accident.
Reid-Anderson also told analysts during the call that other than in TexasThe company’s other parks have attendance numbers that are higher than the same point last year, but net income per guest is down.
The family of the 52-year-old grandmother who was ejected from the coaster and fell 75 feet onto a metal beam has sued Six Flags. The company is currently pointing fingers at the contractors who helped set up the ride and set safety guidelines, and also distancing itself from the lawsuit by pointing out that the company does not, in fact, own the park: a group of investors does.
Attendance, revenue down at Six Flags after woman’s death on Texas Giant [Star-Telegram]
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