The parents of two five-year-old girls who have similar medical conditions and use wheelchairs to get around say they were told at a Texas Six Flags park that their daughters would have to remain sitting in their wheels during a live show, and couldn’t sit on their parents’ laps where they could see better. Either that, or the wheelchairs would have to be parked outside. [More]
six flags over texas

Parents Of Two Girls Say Six Flags Workers Insisted They Had To Stay With Their Wheelchairs During Show

Surprise: Attendance At Six Flags Over Texas Down After Woman Killed On Roller Coaster
In news that will shock absolutely no one, in the months after a visitor to Six Flags Over Texas was killed on one of the park’s rides, attendance and revenue declined. What’s that? You close one of the park’s signature rides after a rider is killed, and people don’t want to come to the park anymore? [More]

Six Flags Points To Contractors In Death Of Roller Coaster Rider
You probably recall the recent incident at Six Flags Over Texas in which a roller coaster rider fell to her death and the subsequent lawsuit filed against the park by the rider’s family. Now the amusement park is responding to the allegations, and saying it can’t be blamed because it didn’t design or build the coaster. [More]

Family Of Woman Killed On Six Flags Roller Coaster Sues, Coaster To Reopen This Weekend
Yesterday, the family of the 52-year-old grandmother killed in the accident filed a wrongful death lawsuit. Later the same day, the park announced that they will reopen the ride this weekend with some safety improvements. The park’s president and his family will be among the passengers on that first trip after the grand re-opening. [More]

Six Flags Visitor Thrown From Roller Coaster And Killed
No one expects a happy family outing to an amusement park to end with a family member dead from one of the rides, but that’s exactly what happened on Friday at Six Flags Over Texas. Authorities from the park and the government are investigating the cause of a tragic accident where a rider was thrown from the Texas Giant Roller coaster and killed. [More]

Man Claims In Lawsuit That Six Flags Kicked Him Off Ride Because He Has No Hands
A man born without hands has had quite a full life — he went to college, got married, had kids, rides a bike and plenty of other things people with both hands do. For fun he enjoys riding roller coasters at Six Flags Over Texas, including the Aquaman Splashdown ride, but he says last May he was told to get off the boat because of his lack of hands. [More]