Meet The Cheeseburger With An Egg… And A Rib Patty, Shrimp Patty, And Much More

Photo: (Tabelog)
According to Kotaku, it will run you about $11 bucks to try to shove this thing in your mouth, which is actually a pretty good deal considering it’s got a beef patty, a shrimp patty, a rib patty, a cheeseburger (which we assume is a beef patty with cheese already melted on it), what appears to be something bacon or ham-like, another slice of cheese, a fried egg, lettuce, cabbage, ketchup, mayo and teriyaki sauce.
But while the diagram put together by Lotteria seems to make sense of the mess, the real thing is not as photogenic:

Source: (Rocketnews24)
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