Hospital On Flood Of Deliveries For Little Girl: Yes, There Is Such A Thing As Too Much Pizza

While I can think of nothing more delightful or delicious than a flood of pizzas, a show of support from well-wishers for a cancer-stricken 2-year-old who wanted a pizza finally had to be stopped by the hospital where she’s receiving treatment. Her mother taped a message to the hospital room window on Sunday simply reading, “Send Pizza” with her room number. And boy, did the Internet send pizza.
The cheese-and-tomato lovers at Reddit performed one of their Random Acts of Pizza, reports CNN, after a Reddit user posted a photo of the sign as seen from the street outside Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The two-year-old girl is a patient there diagnosed with Stage 3 neuroblastoma, and will soon begin her fifth round of chemotherapy treatment.
Soon after the photo hit Reddit, users working to “restore faith in humanity, one slice at a time” starting sending pizzas. And then more pizzas. And then more pizzas until over 20 had been delivered and the hospital had to stop the deluge.
“You’ve made a little girl very happy but NO MORE PIZZA IS NEEDED,” the hospital wrote on its website, adding that the “family will be going to bed very full and very thankful for the compassion they received today.”
Her mother also posted her thanks on a blog dedicated to her daughter, writing: “We have been absolutely humbled and surprised by the outpouring of love and support from the online community and can only hope and pray that this brings awareness to Neuroblastoma and the Childhood Cancer Community.”
Lest you think a two-year-old could wolf down all those pies herself, her mom assures everyone that her daughter ate three slices and the pizza was shared along the ward, with the nurses and other families indulging in the impromptu pizza party.
If that doesn’t warm your heart like a brick oven then, well, may you never receive free pizza from the Internet.
*Thanks for the tip, Derek!
Cancer-stricken girl’s plea yields pizza bonanza [CNN]
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